Mr. Wintercrest

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His polished black loafer taps out a beat on the tiled floor as he regards each of us from behind those black rimmed glasses. " Well?"

His eyes shift between us, hitting Say, Briar and finally lingering on me. I feel compelled to talk, almost like I need to explain things to him, "my brother and his girlfriend are sick, they just came to pick up some homework and I was just walking them out." The sentence comes out rushed, some of the words blended into the next.

I could feel Say and Briar's eyes on me, both of them most likely wondering what the hell I'm doing. I'm wondering what I'm doing. It's not like me to be intimidated, or at least not to show it when I am and I certainly never stutter or mush my words. Between the new guys, their closeness, touchiness and Salem's overprotective reactions I'm just going to chalk it all up to stress right now.

One black brow arches up as if to say 'is that so'. "How interesting Miss..."

"Michaels," Say answers for me, "I'm Salem, she's Sehren, my sister, and this is my girlfriend Briar, you are?"

The amount of attitude he can infuse into a simple sentence is awe inspiring at times, however, it also has a propensity for landing us in a heap of shit--especially with teachers, which this man may very well be, though he's not one I've seen before.

The corner of his mouth tilts up in the tiniest of smirks as he takes a step closer to our little group and extends one hand, "Pleasure," he shakes Say's hand, gives Briar's a quick, light shake but lingers slightly with me, "I am Mr. Wintercrest, the new music teacher here and while I understand that you ay be considered for your sick"--he pauses to shoot a pointed look at a very healthy Salem--"brother and his girlfriend, I suggest you get back to class before I'm forced to give you a detention."

This day keeps getting better and better.

For a second I think Salem's going to talk back, I expect him to talk back. He opens his mouth then promptly closes it his brows dipping inwards because what can he say? The guys being fair. He's telling them to leave and me to get back to class. What we're not used to is people actually telling us what to do. Sure some of the teachers and staff try but I can easily just change their mind if our creepy factor doesn't get to them first.

"Sehren?" I jump at Ellis's voice, so loud in the silence. All four of us turn towards the stampede of feet, the boys have arrived.

Salem looks furious, death rays on high as he looks at the group, Briar's sending suggestive looks at me, wagging her eyebrows and shit like a seasoned perv. Mr. Wintercrest's eyebrows raise impressively high and his lips thin sternly. I just groan.

Can't a death demon ever catch a break around here.

Luke saunters towards us with a smile, "where do you think you're running to sugar? We already told your brother he doesn't have to worry about you anymore."

I frown and look at Salem, what does that mean?

Lucky for me Saint is only to willing to fill in the blank.

"You're all ours angel."

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