Ground Rules

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Thought I'd do two chapters to make up for such a long break, hope you enjoy!


Curled up in Victor's lap with the guys surrounding me almost had me forgetting Say, Briar, and two unfamiliar teachers are currently in the room but not quite.

I can hear Salem calling my name, no doubt wondering what the hell I'm doing. Mr. Wintercrest is valiantly attempting to keep both Salem and Briar calm and call order to the room. Dr. Green is kneeling beside the chair Victor and I are occupying rubbing my back along with Victor as I continue to emit the most horrifyingly loud sobs in history. It's almost as if as soon as I let the first tear loose the dam broke and there's no patching it up now.

"Oh pookie," Dr. Green murmurs consolingly, his hand making comforting circles on my lower back, "let it out darling, it's okay."

Snuggling deeper into Victor I begin to calm. I breathe in his scent, some strangely enticing berry and moss combination that makes me want to bury my face in the crook of his neck and never leave.

Victor leans down and presses his lips lightly to my forehead "North is getting agitated princess, do you feel well enough to go to him?"

As long as I stay with one of you, I want to say. Instead I just nod, loosening my arms so Victor can transfer me easily from his lap to North's.

North's body heat is off the charts and exactly what I need right now. I snuggle deeper into his chest and grab a fistful of his black shirt to reaffirm his presence. Strong arms wrap tightly around me and his body, held taut and rigid with tension, immediately relaxes. One hand goes the back of my head, his fingers spearing through my hair and gently pulling my head back so we can look at each other.

My eyes feel swollen, my face is probably blotchy as hell and my nose as red as Rudolph's but he just smiles at me, "hey there kitten."

"Hi North."

North opens his mouth only to be interrupted by Mr. Wintercrest. "Ms. Michaels if you're feeling up to it I'd like to resume our previous conversation."

I bite my lip and look down at Dr. Green who followed me from Victor to North. I'm not sure what I want him to do but when he looks to Mr. Wintercrest and rolls his eyes saying, "I'm sure a more serious conversation can wait a while Ash, let the poor girl calm down, can't you see this is stressful for her?"

"Of course I can see that," Mr. Wintercrest-Ash-snaps before looking at me his whole face softening in concern, "I realize this is unpleasant for you Ms. Michaels, however, I think it best to set up some ground rules before this friendship progresses any further, for your protection."

North growls in my ear, his eyes darkening in anger, "none of us would ever hurt her." He turns to me and pushes a lock of hair behind my ear before repeating a much softer "never."

Behind me I hear Say snort before loudly exclaiming, "really, you won't hurt her? Because I fail to see how you'll avoid hurting her. There are eight of you and one of her, what the hell are you planning to do and don't try lying to me, I know this isn't just going to be a friendship!"

I put my face back in North's chest in an attempt to hide my flaming cheeks. Surely Salem must realizes eight guys--extremely attractive ones at that--can't all possibly want a relationship with me , not only is that crazy but for some silly, unexplainable reason I'm almost sad that they'll no doubt deny his obvious incorrect--

"I'm sure you are already aware of the kind of relationship we plan to build with your sister Salem as you and Kam have a similar one with Briar." Sterling muses oh-so-casually.

I don't think anything could have shocked me more than that claim. Kam and Salem with Briar? What the hell were the talking about? Turning to Say I expected him to deny it right away, to laugh and fire back that Briar was his and his alone. Instead I found him looking pale beside a tomato faced Briar. When the hell did all this happen and where the fuck was I?

"And this is why we need ground rules." Mr. Wintercrest mutters just as the bell rings for lunch.

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