Taking Control

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Channeling my inner actress I roll my eyes, "explain what North? I just thought since Christy's a wolf and you're a wolf you'd want to get know her better. Maybe meet the pack." It's a perfectly reasonable explanation, totally believable. No need to mention the raging jealousy I had felt when I'd seen the way him and Christy were looking at each other.

North crosses his arms the muscles bunching enticingly, I really can't be blamed for staring especially not when there front and centre for my viewing pleasure. I gradually tune back in to what he's saying, "--stay with you instead, the other girls too annoying." He grumbles the last part and shudders a little.

Blinking up at him I try to act like I didn't just tune out half the conversation to stare at his biceps because that would b weird--no matter how well defined they are. "So..."

I jump a little when my bag is suddenly lifted off my shoulder then turn to find Grey hooking it over his. "This conversation is getting us no where, just take us to English dove." The other boys look at me expectantly after Grey's finished talking.

I start walking immediately just to put a little space between me and them but they won't even allow me that. Ford is suddenly on my left forcing students to part like the Red Sea as he places a hand on the small of my back as if to guide me. Even through the clothes I feel the current jump from his skin to mine and when I look up at his face he's looking over his shoulder at Viktor doing some kind of silent communication. I'd love nothing more than to slip into his mind right now, know what they're all thinking and I probably could but there isn't a doubt in my mind that they would be aware of what I was doing. I could probably make them forget the incident happened but if I couldn't? How would I explain away the ease with which I can enter minds? They need to believe, as everyone else does, that I'm a human/demon Halfling and as such I would not be able to overpower a pure blooded supernatural unless they were exceptionally weak. It doesn't take a genius to figure out these guys are not weak. This is a puzzle I'll need to sort out the human way and I'm always up for a challenge.

People stare out our group as we walk past, every ones gaze lingering on the schools newest additions. In a regular school I'd probably be on the receiving end of a plethora of female hate but here the only people brave enough to openly hate on me are a few of the higher ranking pack members. Salem an I did a wonderful job of frightening everyone else so much so that some won't even meet our gaze directly, which probably shouldn't bring me joy but I'm twisted that way.

I stop abruptly in front of Ms. Sawyers door, so lost in thought I almost waltzed right past. Stepping away from Ford I lean against the doorframe and make a sweeping motion while searching out Grey's eyes, "the English room, as requested."

I won't try to avoid them per se but if they just happen to wonder in to the room before me and I decide to sit somewhere else, what can they do? Move I suppose but I'm hoping that will be considered too much effort.

This time it's Ellis who steps up beside me a small smile on his face as he mimics Ford's placement of his hand on my back, "after you sweetheart."

My fists clench a little as I'm forced to enter ahead of them, Ellis right at my back. Of course the damn sparks are shooting off with him to, I swear it's like these guy shuffle their feet along a carpet before touching me.

I try to stop once inside the room on the pretense of needing to talk to the teacher but Ellis gently propels me forward, "let's get settled first sweetheart."

What is with the pet names? They're cute as hell and, honestly, I love them but I've just met these guys, doesn't it usually take a while to build up to pet names? Unless this is just their usual protocol. Maybe they all have one name that stands in place for every girl they encounter.

Now that makes me mad, which makes me even more mad for caring.

"Sit," Ellis deposits me in a chair by the window, pushing down on my shoulder slightly when I hesitate. He takes my bag from Grey and lays it on the desks lacquered surface before taking his place in front of me.  

All the boys seem to just fall in to place, like there's some sort of routine they have memorized. I wonder if this is how Salem and I look to outsiders. If so I can now understand exactly why they find us a little creepy. The silent communication, the synchronized movement, it's all a little disconcerting and I have a feeling things will just keep getting weirder.

Warm fingers brush away the hair curtaining the side of my face. I rear away automatically not used to all these odd touches. When I settle a little I turn to face Sterling who's so close all I can see is his face. His eyes are even more eerie from this shorter distance, I can almost feel him looking into me.

His hand moves up to cup my cheek a slight smile on his face, "you won't run again, will you little star?"

Between his closeness and his touch I'm left speechless. Salem would probably applaud Sterling's accomplishment...and then beat him up for touching me of course. Opening my mouth nothing comes out so I close it again and just settle for frowning.

"It doesn't really matter anyway," Ellis says, drawing my attention away from Sterling who still holds my cheek, "we won't let you."

I don't know why I ever thought he was the plain one of the group. Looking at him now, his green and brown eyes practically glowing from behind square black frames all I can see is raw power.

Salem is going to kill me but I just can't help it as I nod and whisper out a near silent, "okay."

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