The Escape

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So relieved everyone got where I was going. Sterling is the Mad Hatter and Alice's son and they will probably make an appearance in later chapters. Some of the guys have parents from books and fairy tales and I'd love feedback on the portrayal of their characters!


Sehren POV

I scowl down at my desk, counting the seconds until the bell rings. The nerve of these guys! They refuse to use my given name, instead calling me ridiculous pet names like 'kitten' and 'princess', then they lie to my face directly insulting my intelligence and now Viktor and Sterling have decided they have a right to go snooping around in my head! It's enough to drive a girl mad. My phone buzzes once in my clenched fist.

Salem: "As long as your okay Sehr, I just worry sometimes. Thanks for telling Mrs. Reynolds about Briar I completely forgot to call in. Pass the guys off to Christy, I'm sure she' be more than willing. See you later, call me at lunch!"

If he could figure out a way to be in two places at once right now he'd be ecstatic. Salem's always hated the idea of me dating, or even noticing a guy really. It took him a year to warm up to Kam and even now, after years of platonic friendship, he's still suspicious Kam will try something. It's not like I give him shit for dating but whenever I bring up the double standard he just shrugs and says "I'm older and the man. I know you think it's sexist Sehr but you wouldn't want to date a guy at this age anyways, we're all immature dicks, honestly I don't know how Briar puts up with me half the time." I can't disagree with him there, I've never understood how Briar manages to deal with him.

I glare down at the  schedule Mrs. Reynolds gave me. They're even in my last period band and concert class and my 3rd period gym class. I thought maybe I'd get a reprieve somewhere in my day but alas it is not to be.

Discreetly, I shift my gaze to the left, scanning over them. Sterling's fiddling with a shiny, glass like medallion that hangs off a tan cord around his neck. Ford looks like he's sleeping with no intention of getting up anytime soon. Ellis is following along with the teachers lesson intently, as is Grey. Viktor just looks bored but he doesn't take his attention off the teacher. Saint's staring off into space but when he feels my gaze on him he swivels around and smiles. I roll my eyes at him, scowling when he winks and blows me a kiss. Moving on, I see Luke staring longingly out the window, someone obvious wants to leave. Finally  turn to North and I physically have to restrain myself from running over to hit him across the head. Christy's leaning over the back of her chair, her boobs practically spilling out of her shirt onto his desk as she talks to him. I can't hear what she's saying but whatever it is has North smiling slightly.

In my mind my decision is made. I'll give their schedule to Christy once class is dismissed. I'll still see them of course, but at least I won't be the unwanted tour guide again. They probably think that since I'm a Halfling they can do anything to me, call me stupid names and invade my mind. Evermore Academy is notoriously exclusive, if a supernatural has one drop of blood that's not 100% of their own kind it excludes them from even applying. Furthermore, there are certain socioeconomic standards the Academy sets for it's students as if the 100% pure blood line thing isn't pretentious enough. They may seem nice but all of them were raised to have a superiority complex, it's practically bred into them and I refuse to become some little pastime for their amusement.

I can feel their eyes on me now, almost as if they've sensed my resolve and are upset they've lost their play toy. I smirk a little, if they knew what I was capable of, what I am, they wouldn't be acting like this. It's true that my father is a demon, though I've never met him my mother told us a little in her more lucid moments. Death demons or reapers, as their commonly called, are the strongest and most dangerous breed of demon. Their ability to manipulate neural pathways and energy are unparalleled. Combined with their natural speed, strength and enhanced senses as well as their obvious ability to connect with, and in some cases, raise the dead, they are a force to reckoned with. My mother was just as rare as my father, a natural born elemental, her connection with the earth and the spirit went beyond normal limits allowing her full persuasion over the land and an ability to travel across the barrier between the living and the dead.

Salem and I would have been powerful without our enhanced status but with it we're a danger the likes of which the supernatural community is unprepared for. Sometimes I wonder if they would keep us alive for testing before killing us, or if even that would be seen as to big of a risk. Even we don't know the extent of our powers but so far it seems I show more of an affinity for dad's while Salem favours mom's.

All I know for sure is that nobody can ever know. Especially not the Academy guys.

The bell rings jarring me out of my thoughts. Jumping up quickly with their schedule pinched between my fingers I approach Christy with single minded focus. North says something to me but I don't acknowledge.

"Hey Christy, would you mind showing the guys around, I think they'd be more comfortable with their own kind." I smile sweetly emphasizing the 'own kind' part.

Christy practically tears the schedule out of my hand, her face lighting up with a genuine smile. Even I have to admit she's pretty when she's not being a bitch. Long sable colored hair, olive toned skin and green eyes, and that's not even counting her tall, toned figure that's pretty much a trademark werewolf characteristic. I can see why North likes her, once you get past the overpowering perfume and maybe buy her a muzzle she'd be perfect.

"OMG, this is perfect, isn't it Northy?" Her hand curls around his bicep as she smiles up at him adoringly, "come on, we don't want to be late for English."

I don't dare meet any of the boys gazes as I hurry out the room and back to my locker. If I hurry I can avoid direct confrontation with Saint and Ellis. Although, it's entirely possible they won't want to talk to me anyways, I could be worrying for nothing. Throwing open the door I dump my calc book in and pull my English books out. I'm probably overreacting anyways it's not like--

My locker door is promptly slammed shut, a pale hand covering the right side and a tanned hand covering the left. Saint and Ellis loom overhead twin expressions of frustration tinged with confusion gracing their faces. I spin around quickly, fully prepared to bolt.

"Care to explain kitten?" North growls.

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