Chapter Five

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Hanna's POV

Me and Caleb sit next to each other quietly whilst everyone stares at us.

'Sorry I'm late guys.' Emily says rushing in just in time to save me. She sits to my right so she's facing Ali and gives me a quick nudge and a smile.

'It's fine, Hanna and Caleb only just arrived anyway. Han I feel like I haven't seen you for ages.' Alison smirks, this isn't going to go down well.

'I saw you just yesterday though.' I laugh.

'Oh yeah so you did. You never did come back with the drink though, did you?' She smirks menacingly.

'No we went back to mine for a bit didn't we Hanna.' Caleb interrupts giving my hand a squeeze under the table.

'Yeah.' I try to bite back my smile watching Ali frown at the fact someone is backing me up.

'And what did you do there then huh?' Toby wiggles his eyebrows.

'I think the love bites give us that answer Toby. Hanna, you know you can't cover everything up with concealer right?' Alison chuckles.

'No need to get jealous Ali.' Caleb raises his eyebrows still holding my hand. Alison just laughs.

'Well then maybe we should order some food?' Spencer interrupts trying to take the attention off us, I must thank her later.

We place our orders and once our food arrives we all eat it before heading off to the club. We all get let in no question about our ages and make our way to the bar where we buy our drinks. I lick my lips at the sight of the alcohol. I need this after what happened earlier. I gulp my drink down eagerly and quickly pay for another one this time taking it to the main floor to dance. I dance on my own shortly joined by Aria. We make the most of our time singing and laughing loudly.

I finish my drink and place it on a close by table where I see Caleb sitting.

'Caleb. Come and dance with me!' I laugh pulling him up to which he's reluctant.

'I don't dance.' He chuckles.

'And I don't fall in love with random strangers but look at us!' I smile before slapping my hand over my mouth. Why am I such a lightweight, I'm not even drunk, just tipsy.

'Love huh?' Caleb quirks an eyebrow with the same cheeky smirk he always has.

'Mm' I grumble looking down at the floor.

'Don't look so embarrassed. I, I love you too.' He tilts my chin up planting a firm kiss onto my lips.

We pull apart smiles clear upon each of our faces. I can't believe this is happening.

'Now will you dance with me.' I joke but to my surprise he agrees. We make our way to the dance floor dancing with our bodies close together.

Out of the corner of my eye I notice Emily and Alison dancing- Emily has her hands on Ali's waist and Ali is grinding up against her. I guess things turned out perfect for the both of us tonight.

Wrapping my arms around Caleb's neck I pull him in and we start what turns out to be a heat make out session. Moving across the club our lips hardly detach. Our kissing becomes more passionate and heated and before I know it I'm up against a wall with Caleb pushed against me. Our tongues roam each other's mouth my moans become apparent. Across the room I can make out Emily and her enormous smile staring at me. I draw my attention back to Caleb and we stop kissing.

'I need to learn to control myself when around you Han. You drive me crazy.' He laughs making me blush. I've never had anyone make me feel this way.

'Lets get another drink.' I laugh as we head to the bar.

As time passes the club empties and I notice Alison and Emily pushed up against each other kissing, I feel a bubble of excitement in me, this could be the start of something lovely for the two of them.

'Right so I guess we should get going.' Caleb tells me as he slides is jacket on.

'Yeah I guess.' I reply wishing I could stay here forever but I know I'm drunk and I'm going to see Caleb again soon so I reluctantly say goodbye giving him kiss.

I climb into Emily's car with her as she's under the limit of alcohol consumption and we drive to mine where Emily will be staying tonight.

We arrive at my house and both flop on the couch.

'So I saw you and Ali kiss.' I nudge my bestfriend.

'Did you.' Emily blushes.

'Mmmhmmm' I hum to Emily's amusement.

'You're a weirdo when your drunk.' She laughs at me.

We get in our pyjamas and both climb into my bed.

'you take up so much room!' I laugh as Emily gets into the bed.

'Well I'm sorry someone insisted that we both stay in here!' She jokes. We lay in the be laughing our heads off at the biggest load of crap.

'Goodnight Han.' She says turning the small light off.

'Night Em' I smile turning away and before we know it we are both in deep slumbers.

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