Chapter 3

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With little time to lose, the skinwalker headed straight for her room to collect the bag that she'd haphazardly thrown together on the off chance that she might be chosen for the mission. Suddenly unsure whether or not the supplies would be sufficient, she rummaged through its contents briefly. It seemed like everything she might need was there, and yet she couldn't escape the feeling that she was forgetting something. She decided that whatever it was couldn't be important, and so sat down to browse through the mission folder instead.

There was a photo of a pretty, young lady paper-clipped to the top of the first page. She had long, dark hair and striking blue-grey eyes. Sierra was sure that she'd never seen her before, and yet there was something oddly familiar about her that the skinwalker couldn't quite place.

She eventually gave up trying to decipher the mystery and glanced over the file. Lena Donaghue's place of origin was listed as the OrkenyIslands.

That seems oddly unspecific - like why not list a city or town or even just which island she's from?

Sierra worked out from her date of birth that she had only just turned 18. Lena had been training with the UK-based branch of The Order for about six months. Her special skill was listed simply as 'aquatics'.

Sierra frowned. She knew that meant that Lena was some sort of water-creature, but that didn't exactly narrow it down. If Kalko could be a nanaue, or were-shark, and Alyssa a nix - a water sprite that resembled a really big salmon in creature form - then there was simply no telling just how many different kinds of water-creatures were out there...

A knock on the door interrupted Sierra's thoughts.

"Coming!" she answered automatically as she moved to sling her small back-pack over her shoulder. When she turned to face the door again, she was surprised to find it closed. Jocelyn glanced back at her softly over her shoulder, one hand still on the door handle.

"I was hoping that we could have a word before you leave?" Jocelyn suggested.

There was something in the normally congenial woman's voice that made Sierra feel oddly wary. The skinwalker nodded, dropping her backpack off her shoulder as she watched her employer make her way over and seat herself quietly on the edge of Sierra's bed just a few feet away.

"I need to speak to your about your identity," Jocelyn suggested.

Sierra felt herself sink back down to the bed almost unwittingly. She stared back at her boss blankly.

"My identity?" she asked, confused.

"Yes, the image you portray when you are out there. No one knows about you yet, Sierra, and in my opinion it would be safer if you keep it that way for now. There is no telling what others might make of you. Not everyone is as discreet as we are," Jocelyn informed her.

Sierra blinked vacantly at her. She'd never even given it a thought! After a moment's deliberation, she nodded her head slowly in understanding.

"So what do you suggest then?" the skinwalker asked quietly.

She had the feeling that Jocelyn had put some thought into the subject. She was right.

"Choose something and stick to it. If you tell people you are human, stay human. Or, since this mission involves tracking, say you are a wolf. 'O Conner's people are our allies. They shall understand that."

"But Jocelyn, I need to be in wolf form to track like that - and I'm still not that good at it."

There was a knock at the door that startled them slightly. They both knew that it meant it was time to head down to the jet. Jocelyn looked back at Sierra and shrugged.

Taken - Skinwalker Book 3Where stories live. Discover now