Chapter 19

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Senka had, indeed, been trying hard not to have a total melt down since she'd found out what had happened. The jumble of emotions racing through her were intolerable.

I finally let my guard down for a tomcat again and then this happens...

She swallowed dryly, the only external sign of her inner tumult. Apart from the pain of loss and anxiety over his well-being, Senka couldn't shake the thought that it was her fault. She'd been a pathetic runt at home and now she'd just proven that some things couldn't be grown out of. If she couldn't stand up for a tom back then, how could she possibly expect to do it now?

I'd have given my life for him, if I'd only been there...

But would it have been enough?

He deserves the world! He can do so much better than you! There are so many female cats and so few toms...

Her fist whitened around the joystick she was using to control the jet as she fought for control over her emotions.

A hard thud on the ground behind her caught her attention, momentarily distracting her from her thoughts. She glanced back out the corner of her eye to see Jason groaning softly seconds before he picked himself up off the hard floor of the jet. The werewolf seemed sweet. The poor idiot was clearly smitten with Sierra. A part of her felt envious of her friend. She wished she knew without a doubt that she could be with Devon - really be with him. She wished she could feel complete certainty, but then Sierra was pretty amazing, so it made sense that she'd bagged such a great guy. Senka certainly didn't think there was anything exceptional about herself.

Devon said he finds you sexy...

She grinned to herself suddenly in memory.

His body certainly agreed!

She scowled. That was another thing that was bothering her. Could they even have kittens? They were, in essence, two completely different creatures. If they could have kittens by some fluke of nature, would their offspring be sterile? Devon was all tomcat. She'd spent enough time watching from the side-lines to know how they functioned. She understood their drive - shared it even. It didn't take much to get a tom excited - though conversely, it did take a lot of effort to get them to stick around. She didn't know if she could keep him interested very long - not when she had so little to offer.

Senka clenched her jaw anxiously.

This does not matter right now! If you don't get the team there asap, there might not be a Devon around to rescue!

She glanced over the instrumentation, wishing that she could push Harriet still faster. Unfortunately, the jet was maxed out. So was Senka's resilience....


When Devon woke later, the lights were still glaring down from above even though he felt fairly certain it was probably about the middle of the night. There was no food waiting for him, but there was some water. He took the plastic bottle and slaked his thirst on it eagerly. By now so much of him hurt that trying to favour any specific part was just pointless. Instead he moved slowly and carefully until he was reclining against the bars, the pressure of the hard metal against his damaged skin only slightly more tolerable than the effort of using his tortured muscles.

Very quiet, almost inaudible sobs caught his attention. He turned to look over at Lena in the neighbouring cage. She was curled up in the corer, her back turned to him. Little sobs wracked her body, but almost no sound came out. It was like she was refusing to let herself cry.

Taken - Skinwalker Book 3Where stories live. Discover now