Chapter 17

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Jason stared blankly at the message lighting up the screen of his phone. For a moment, everything in the world around him ceased to exist. His heart was pounding at his sternum, threatening to burst through it if he didn't do something - anything - but what could he do?

He scanned the message again, trying to think. Save us? Did she mean her and Dev, or her and all the creatures that she worked with?

Over the past six or so months, he'd been relatively reassured that her employers weren't the source of all evil - even if he did hate them for taking Sierra away from him. She'd said that she was in Scotland searching for a missing girl.

Has... has she been taken by the same people?

The idea made his blood run cold. The werewolf glanced at the plane ticket in his hand. He'd bought it on a whim, spurred into action by some gut feeling deep down that told him getting no response from her within fifteen hours after being promised a call meant that something was wrong - very wrong. He'd had no real plan of action; no idea what he was going to do when he arrived. He only knew that he was losing her, and he wasn't ready to let that happen without some sort of a fight. Now he wondered just what sort of fight that was going to be.

Jason glanced up at the unfamiliar surrounds of HeathrowAirport. He'd planned to take a train or something to Scotland from that point, what with having blown most of his money on the plane ticket getting there from the USA. He hadn't even considered what he'd do once he got to Scotland! How would he actually find her?

The werewolf glanced down at his phone again, mind spinning and skin numb with anxiety. Then it hit him - the one chance he had of finding her without a hike around the Scottish countryside with little more than his nose as a guide: The Agency. He'd phoned Sierra on some sort of land-line a few times. He knew that they were secretive, but surely they'd talk to him, considering?

Jason spotted a quieter corner and he headed over to it and hit dial. The phone seemed to ring for an age, then the line cut off. Frustrated but determined, he dialled again. This time it was answered on the second ring.


The voice belonged to someone young and female, and her use of French threw him a little.

"Hi. I... er... this is Jason, Sierra's... friend. I got a message from her."

"Jason? From America?"

"Yeah," Jason affirmed. "Don't hang up. I got a text from her. She needs help."

There was a moment of silence that Jason didn't quite know how to read.

"I am sorry, Jason. I am just not sure what to do. Everyone is downstairs, but they'll want to hear what you have to say. I... can you give me your number? I have a feeling Kalko will want to phone you directly."

Jason readily gave her the number of his cellular phone.

"Will it take long? I'm really freaking out here."

"Five minutes max," Adele promised. "We are also all worked up. We will take any help that we can get."

Her words eased the anxious niggle at the back of his mind somewhat. Suddenly he didn't feel quite so alone. It was a comforting thought that he might have some help.

"And I'll do anything I can to help," he replied determinedly. "What's your name - in case I need to call again?"

"Adele... my name is Adele," she replied.

"Thanks, Adele. I just arrived in London. I'll be waiting for a call back before I decide on my next move."

"I shall be as quick as I can," Adele promised before she hung up.

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