Chapter 9

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I stood outside of Legendary Lanes, one of the two bowling ally's in town. This one was more on the outskirts, decorated with dying, neon lights, chipping beige paint, and wrapped with so much warning tape it could have gone as a mummy for Halloween. The whole thing was more dangerous, yet welcoming, then a prostitute with STD's.
I kept my head bowed so my hood fell forward, the faux trim tickling my nose. It was late December and finals were coming up. I studied like a madwoman but just last night I'd run out of my little study buddy.
Since I started taking Ritalin, only two a day, I'd been getting it all from Daniel, who'd run out since my last purchase.
   I'd even gotten desperate enough to go to the ADHD math loser, Evan, who was the twitchiest, scrawniest, most even Sophomore that conned me out of fifty bucks for two pills through my desperation.
   Did I have a problem? Definitely. Was I going to admit it out loud? Never.
   The sound of approaching footsteps brought me from my thoughts and caused me to life my head, eyes falling on an approaching figure who's silhouette was illuminated by the fading neon signs.
   "You know, this is the easiest deal I've ever made." The man said as he leaned against the dumpster opposite of me, pulling out a Ziplock bag of white pills that I'd grown very close to.
   Great presentation, was what filtered through my mind after the flash of adrenaline that went through my system at the though of a dosage that was over eighteen hours overdue.
   "And why's that?" I asked as I pulled the bills from my pocket. Fifteen dollars for thirty pills wasn't a bad deal.
   "My sons got hyperactivity. Just told the pharmacist the bottle fell over and spilled down the drain and got a whole new bottle." He handed the bag over in exchange for the money.
   Now that I got a good look at him, I realized he was old enough to be my own father. With greying hair and a slight beard with glasses hanging off his nose... it worried me that this guy had to sell his kid's drugs to get some money for... what, exactly? Food, bills, booze? I could only guess.
   "Say, what's a kid like you nee these for? You look like a normal girl." He leaned back again.
   I let out a huff. "I need a little help to keep my grades where I want them." I surprised myself by how open I was being with a complete stranger. A drug dealer to be specific.
   He smiled at me and shook his head. "I feel a little bad for giving these to you, kid. You don't need drugs to make yourself better." He patted my arm, "you're smart enough already and I'm sure you were doing fine before these buggers came into your life."
   I smiled and shook my head. "Sorry, sir, but you don't know a think about me," I sighed, "I'd be nothing without these."
   The man sighed and stepped away. "Just say you won't OD and try and cut down your dosage to help ease my guilt."
   A smile spread over my face. "Of course. Whatever helps. You have a nice night, sir." I turned on my heels and left out the opposite side of the building he did, heading for my moms car at an excited skip.
   Maybe the man was right. Maybe I should cut down on my dosage or even try and go cold turkey on the Ritalin after my exams...
   I sighed and shook my head, starting the car and blasting the radio as I pulled from the bumpy parking lot. I shouldn't be listening to someone like him. He's a drug dealer for Christ's sake! What would he know...

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