Chapter 12

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   Ya know, being the master of prescription drugs that I was, I expected to know more about the recreational ones, but it seemed I was more in the dark than I thought. I'd always been taught that drugs like meth and heroine and cocaine would give you the immediate high and, ya know, ruin your life forever and cause you to live in a cardboard box, but I felt no affect.
   As I made my way downstairs and continued my awkward social interaction, I felt the same way as I had snorting a Pixie Stick in junior high. The only difference? I didn't have five other pre-teens patting me on the back and asking about my "euphoric high" from snorting pink colored sugar.
   "Hey, Becca, wanna play some pong? We're short a player." I heard my name called from the side and I glanced over, pulling a smile at the sight of a few girls who's names I couldn't quite place. I took a moment to register that they were really talking to me before forcing my head to nod and going over to join their game.
   As the game continued, I couldn't believe that I was actually fantastic at beer pong! Sure, it was just a simple idea of physics, using force and height to battle out the resistance, but I was actually fucking good! Everyone loved me! I was like the LeBron James of beer pong, and I wasn't very shy about screaming that out either.
   "Hell yeah, Miles. You're the shit!" I heard one of the boys, that had joined in watching the intense game, shouting to me. As the games continued, I progressed further and further, game to game-and then it hit me. I was becoming popular via beer pong... and I was loving it.
   As the nigh progressed, I felt myself becoming more and more social, even to the point that I decided to join in the skinny dipping proceeding in the backyard. It felt like I was finally accepted, finally joining in on the real life of a high schooler rather than an academic slave. Rather than studying for one of my exams or further researching my career options based on my SAT and ACT score, I was basing my popularity off of my beer pong score. I was riding the wave of the euphoric high... that was until I blacked out.
   "Becca, come on, I'm taking you to the hospital if you don't get up." I heard coming though a thick clouded haze.
   "Hehe, hospital? You mean... notspital." I said through giggles, opening my eyes to find Trevor standing above me and looking... not too happy. "Awe, buddy. Let's turn that frown upside down." I reached up to push his face up, only to be denied by my hand being shoved.
"Come on, I'm taking you home. You're a mess." He grumbled, glancing away almost shyly as he helped me up from where I was laying.
As the sheets adjusted over my body, I felt myself being pulled from my drunken haze to realize that I was in a bed with Trevor next to me-a bed I didn't recognize and in clothes that I didn't... well, that I couldn't seem to find as I was wearing none.
I blinked aggressively and shook my head, glancing over to see a body laying in the bed next to mine with a face that seemed oddly familiar... oh my god.
I grabbed the blanked and quickly moved from the bed, not being able to reach a trash can before spilling my guts all over the perfectly cleaned hardwood floor. "No, no I didn't. I didn't sleep with Finn, I swear." I said shakily over and over again.
"We'll y'all about it later. Now just... help me help you get dressed, okay?" Trevor said to me quietly as he helped me from the ground, holding a random bundle of clothes. He seemed shy, but determined to help me get my shaky limbs through every item.
The drive back to Trevor's was one of complete silence and discomfort. I felt the pounding headache and stomach ache from the night before, but I could t exactly place the cause, unable to remember if I'd even done any drinking... or where I'd really even gone last night. I should've been home studying but... well, who knows where I'd gone.
Once Trevor parked in his driveway, he sat silently for a few moments, eventually causing me to be uncomfortable enough to open my stupid mouth. "Trevor... I'm sorry, I don't know what happened. I don't even know where I was last night. I-" he cut me off by getting out from the car aggressively, coming over to get my door for me and then leading me inside the silent house.
"You can stay here to detox. Who knows what your parents would do if you came home like this." He said shortly, not even bothering to look at me as he removed my jacket and then went into the kitchen. "Go lay down." He ordered and I immediately went to do so before stopping myself. Trevor couldn't tell me what to do.
"No, Trevor. We need to talk. You know I would never... especially not with Finn. I was saving myself so we-" I started as I made my way into the kitchen, being stopped when he smacked his hand on the counter.
"That's not what I'm upset about, Bec, and you know that." He huffed and looked at me, more sadness in his eyes than anger. "You didn't text me back. You didn't tell me where you were, I was worried. And then... you can sleep with any guy you want, I never said we were exclusive or anything, but-"
"No, Trev that's not what I-we are exclusive. We're dating and I'm happy, more than happy to be with just you. I don't even know what happened. If you would just..." I let out a sigh and leaned against the counter, not knowing what I just wanted him to do considering I wasn't even aware of what happened myself. How did I end up in bed with Finn? Did we even do anything? I expected my first time to cause me to be more... sore, but I felt nothing down below.
"You were high, Becca. Extremely high. You should know that parties like that are dangerous to go to alone. Who even knows what you took... god, you just..." he sighed heavily and I made a face. "You need to be careful. Who knows what you could take and get addicted to."
   I let out my own sigh and walked over, gently placing my hands on his cheeks to make him look at me. "Hey, you know me, the only thing I'm reliant on is Pop-Tarts and Diet Coke. I could never become an addict."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2018 ⏰

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