~One less lonely girl~

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As soon as we get in, we are immediately pushed away by two big, black muscleshirts-wearing Bodyguards.

I begin to understand why everyone wants to go to the 1OAK- because of all the stars. I mean have you ever seen Harry Styles, Shawn Mendes and Ariana Grande together in ONE Club? No? Well i now have!

I look at Tamara. Her eyes shine bright and her face glows. It doesn't even seem like it would bother her that you can hardly hear your own voice through the loud music.

She leans over to me and shouts: "Guess who is here tonight, too - turn around Sarah!"

I turn my head and i see him- the man of my dreams- Justin Bieber. I can't realize it. All the noise and the fact that he's here overwhemls me.

I'm a bit disappointed 'cause he really looks like a normal human, who he definitely not is. But in that moment the only thing I want is just to get out of here and just have a moment of silence.

"Tamy", I scream, "i have to take a bathroom break - let's meet again in an hour maybe in Front of the bar?"

She nods and i make my way to the toilets. There, i let the cold water of the watertap roll down my arms. I keep some water in my hands and then i clush it into my face. I feel the icecold waterdrops rolling down my cheek - mashed up with some warm tears. I don't know why i'm crying. It just came over me. I start to feel better again. Then a group of young girls comes in: laughing, giggling and obviously drunk.

I try to fix my ruined makeup again as far as i can and after that i get out of the bathroom.

'This is the last thing i need now' , i think, 'drunk bitches making jokes while i'm crying- no thanks!'

I look around and see the stairs. I run towards them and make my way to the top. Even the 'Staff only' sign can't hold me back. I take a deep breath and open the door. A cool breeze of fresh air fills my lungs, i am at the balcony.

It's a clearblue night and you can see many stars shining bright in the cloudless heaven.

When i was little i used to try to count them, but most of the time i fell asleep and mum had to bring me to bed again.

I walk towards the railing. From here i have an amazing view over the whole City. I think i have to thank Mr and Mrs Collins for all of these awesome things i get to experience, because if i wouldn't take care of their kids, seeing LA from the top of a high building at night would still be a dream of mine - one of the dreams, that would seem impossible to fulfill. I lean over the railing and enjoy swooshing through my long, blond and curly hair.

Then i hear the sound of the door.

Someone is coming. But it doesn't bother me because i want to enjoy this moment of satisfaction. I don't even look at the person who is coming.

When i notice the man standing right next to me i close my eyes. It could be so wonderful out here all alone and i don't want to be in a conversation right now.

"Hey", he says, just a casual hey but i dont want to talk.

But i reply "hey".

"What's your name?" he asks.

"I'm Sarah and i'm sorry but i came here because i had enough of all the people down there and not because i wanted to talk. So would you please be patient and leave me alone?" i hiss a bit sassy.

But he starts to talk again: "well, hello twin i would say- i came here because of the same reason. I'm Justin and altough you don't wanna talk to me- it's nice to meet you!"

Something in my head makes 'click'. I open my eyes and when i see who i was talking to my heart jumps into my mouth...

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