~Favourite girl~

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I forgot the time.

I told Tamara two hours ago to meet in one hour. Shit.

When i reach the bar, i can't find her. Then i go to the dancefloor.

I can't see her. I'm trying to get trough all the dancing people but i get pushed from all sides.

I think about what I would do in her Situation. I would probably go and search me.
Wow, now we're both searching each other.

I take out my phone.
No new messages.

"Where are you??" i type.

And when i look up again. I see her running towards the bar. She looks like she's in a hurry.

"I'm so sorry..." she begins to apologize.
I begin to laugh.
She looks very confused:
"What's the matter, Sarah?"

"This is the best night ever!", i grin.
"I'll tell you later... How much time do we still have?"

Tamara looks at her golden watch.
"Oh, we're already five minutes late. Oh no, i promised Mr and Mrs Jackson to be punctually back home. Hurry up, we have to go!"

With theses words she pulls me out of the 1OAK.

When we get to the car, i begin to realize that i forgot Justin, too.

"Tamara, we have to go back again. It's inportant. Please." I beg.

Tamara stares at me like i was an alien.
"Something more important then your bff? Well thank you. Do you want me to loose my job? If you do you can return to the club! So what are you going to do?"

I sigh.

No one is more important in my life than Tamara is. Even Justin isn't.

"Okay, then let's go. Do you know what i'm doing for you? I just let Justin Bieber alone in 1OAK without my number or any words. I told him that I' d wait for him. For you. Just sayin'."

Tamara's eyes go wide.

"You met JB? And now you're leaving him alone because of me?" she seems like she can't believe it at all. "That's just...- Wow. Thank you so much. You will always be my Bestie, Sarah."

I smile.

"But you won't believe what happened to me! I mean you have to tell about you and the Biebs later buuut... I met Harry Styles. And i poured coke over his head!"

I'm shocked.

"No, Tamara. Please tell me that you didn't really do that."

"I did." She giggles.

Well, this is my better half, Tamara everyone.



She quittes the balcony. I see her blonde curly hair one last time flying trough the air. She looks amazing. Just like a model.

And I can't wait to see her later. But first I'll have to talk to Jonny, my bodyguard.

He gives me a talk about my behaviour and that I shouldn't drink too much or else I would have a hangover at tommorrow's concert.

I don't listen.
I just nod.
Like every second word.
Justin you shouldn't
drink too much

Cool conversation I'd say.

After he has finish his talk i finally get to go down.

But i can't find Sarah. She's not at the bar. Or at the dancefloor. Or at the toilets.
(I didn't go there! I just asked some girls If there was a girl with curly blonde hair in there and they said no, soo...)

Why didn't I ask her for her number? I'm so dumb. Once there's a girl who really likes me and sees me as a human, I loose her.

I really like her.
I mean I kinda love her.
Altough I only have seen her once.
My favourite girl.

Ahh, that's so complicated.
Why am I so confused?
Just because of her?


I hope she didn't just leave the club because we rushed everything a little bit.

Good, okay... A little bit MUCH.

I look at my phone.
29,000 New likes, 10,000 New comments on instagram.

In only an hour.
Oh Lord.
Then I see the chance I have.


The next morning i go to one of these uptdate pages of mine and check If there are any new pictures of me in the 1OAK .

There are a few.
I'm lucky.

In the background of one of the pictures is Sarah. Just in the moment when she got into the Club.

I make a screenshot, crop the picture so that there's only her left and then I go on Insta.

I post the photo with the caption:

Does anyone know this beautiful Princess? If you do please comment her account name below. The first to tell me her full username gets a like. Love, Rick.

It takes about 15 seconds until the first person texts me her user.
I quickly like one picture and then I follow Sarah.
She's on private. So I can only see that she has 450 followers.
I have 65 million.

I DM her.
Hey Sarah. It's me Justin.

I wait for her answer.
After a few seconds I can see that she's accepted me.

Hey. What's going on? I just 600 asks to follow me.

While this I'm stalking her profile. She only has perfect pictures.

Don't worry. Just don't accept them, baby. Can I have your number, darling?

She texts me her phonenumber.

Will you text me? She asks.

Of course. I reply.

And with that I copy the number and close the chat.

Takeaway Nannies ( h.s.\ j.b.)Where stories live. Discover now