~You look amazing standing alone~

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Bored, i play with my glass filled with coke.
I hate parties.

At the beginning there was this exciting feeling, the music pulsing through my body and the athmosphere...i was really enjoying it, but when it became more crowded, i felt like i was standing in the way.

So i am sitting on a chair at the end of the bar now. My eyes gaze over the people with their cups/bottles filled with alcohol sitting on sofas or dancing.

I should have known that if i didn't like the measly parties in germany, i would definitly not like the parties in 1of a kind.

I felt quite underprivileged, being under all those people that were stuffed in skin-tight cocktail dresses.

They were throwing me weird glances, so i decided to go and sit in a lonely corner.

I haven't seen Sarah in a while, too. She told me she just wanted to go to the bathroom, and although we decided to meet up in one hour, i couldn't spot her in the crowd.

Okay, i sound like her mum. She's 20, so she'll be able to take care of herself.

Maybe she really met Justin Bieber, and she's just in this moment wrapping him around her fingers.

I sigh, and go back to my 'employment'.

I pick people out of the big crowd and study them precisely. Like, what they do with their fingers while they are talking with their friends, how their eyebrows go up, or the way they shove their fingers through their hair.

I know, it's crazy.

In germany, i was always called 'stalker' because of my strange hobby.

The guy i've been stalking starts to get boring, so i sigh again and trace my fingers over the rim of the glass.

Suddenly i hear footsteps walk in my direction. I immediatly tense up and hope the person moving towards me won't talk to me or bother me in any way.

I can hear this someone stop right behind me.

Don't talk to me, please don't talk to me, i pray. I hate this kind of guys who just want to get you in bed.

I can feel his hot breath onto my neck. I shut my eyes.

"Don't you enjoy the party?", a raspy voice close to my ear asks. His breath hits my face and i can smell the alcohol.

Oh great, now i'll have to deal with a drunk guy who wants to make out with me.

I lean back to get a look at his face.

He's bigger than me - okay that's not really hard.(I'm 1,65.)
He wears a shirt which is nearly unbuttoned, his hair is as long as mine, but it's curly and dark brown.
His face is edgy and a few small pimples are spread across his face. His eyes are deep green.
His hand, decorated with rings, moves through his hair and shoves it out of his face.

I would have been living behind the moon if i didn't know who that person is.

Harry Styles.

I had this time when i turned into a crazy fangirl whenever the name 'One Direction' fell. There were posters of them in my room and i always used to admire the perfection of Harry Styles. I doubted that he was human.

But now, he is standing right in front of me. I can see his chest moving with every breath he takes. There is a wet spot on his shirt, from what, i really don't want to know.
His fingers twitch.
His nostrils flare.

All i can think is: He's so human. So normal. Just a person.

I look back into his eyes. They're really green, though.

"What do you want?", i ask unfriendly.

He might be Harry Styles but i don't know him and he just talked to me in a way, let's say so, i already guessed his purpose.

He looks at me astonished. Maybe he can't handle getting repelled.

"Do you know who i am?", he asks in his deep voice.

Now it's my turn to be astonished.

I raise my eyebrows.

"You're Harry Styles. Why did you ask that?"

"You're not gonna scream?"

At this point, i have to laugh.

"Something is definitly not right with your self-perception", i state.

He frowns.


I can't believe he had the nerve to say this. No one can be THAT arrogant.

Okay, little correction: Harry Styles can.

I roll my eyes.

"Why do you expect me to scream at your sight? Do you think you're so hot? If i would have seen you from behind, i would have thought you're a woman", i tell him and mirror his arrogant tone.

Then i turn around and dedicate myself to my coke again. I really hope he leaves. Although...Harry Styles? He would have made a good one night stand.

Don't think like that.

I can still feel him standing behind me.
Why won't he leave? Isn't he pissed at my comment about his hair? Every normal boy would be.

Annoyed, i turn around.

"I want you to go. Go get yourself another girl to fuck," i hiss.

He is still standing there and wets his lips.

And suddenly he braces his arms against the bar so i'm caged into them.

"But i want to have you", i hear him say and then everything goes very fast.

He leans in closer and presses his lips against mine.

I tense up more and try to shove him away, but he is too heavy.

Think, think, THINK!!

Instinctively, i grab my coke and pour it over Harrys head.

"Get the fuck off me!", i almost shout.

He looks at me kind of shocked. Either he can't believe i just did that or he realizes what he's done.

Then he turns around without saying another word and disappears into the crowd.


Hey :))

Just imagine...Harry would harass you?
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