~get out of my head~

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"You're free to call your personal therapist whenever you like", she says before hurrying out.

"Alright", i mumble to myself.

What the fuck just happend? I nearly started crying in front of a girl. When did i become such a wimp?

When i close my eyes, i can still see her walking towards the door. The way she moved her hips...fuck.

This emotion thing all started when she curled up in a ball next to me. She looked so small, so defenceless...i felt the need to protect her.

Although...she definitly isn't helpless. I mean, she spilled a cup of coke over my head. No girl has ever gone to such extremes before.

Okay, i kissed her against her will. I'm ashamed of that now. I actually never do that.

But no girl had had any problems with me kissing them before.

She is different.

I look at her number. Then i open whatsapp and take a look at her profile picture. It shows her laughing next to another girl with curly blonde hair.

Her smile...so happy.

Look what's become of you. Sitting on the floor stalking a girl.

I don't feel anything for her. Okay, i talked to her for about half an hour. But if i hang out more with her, could there emerge any feelings?

I never felt anything for a girl before, why would it be different now?

I just want to have her in my bed.

Suddenly cold air blows through the corridor and a girl runs past me. She is breathing hard and throws me a curious glance. Then she disappears through the same door as Tamara five minutes ago.

Wasn't she the girl on her profile picture?

Annoyed, i shake my head. I start seeing ghosts.

I try to search for any feelings for Tamara.


Just this protective instinc.

I would only hurt her with feelings anyway.

Only for bed.



The clock shows 5:30

I groan and put my pillow over my head.

We didn't come home late, thankfully.

I felt really bad, though, when Sarah told me about her encounter with Justin Bieber.

Now she doesn't even have his number and he thinks she is not interested in him.

I quickly jump out of my bed and into my bathroom.

After i brushed my teeth, i put on a wide shirt and black leggins.

For my job, wearing nice things is just impossible.

I often play hide-and-seek with the kids and i have to crawl into small and dusty spaces, for example.

Lately, we always go onto a water - playground, since it's summer and very hot in LA. But there you naturally get wet.

So never wear anything nice as an Au pair girl.

I don't know how many of my (very rare) brand-clothes have died a tragic death by paint or play-dough.

I walk downstairs to prepare breakfast.
Mrs and Mr Jackson left early in the morning to another business journey, so i have to wake the kids and get them ready for school.

My glance falls on my cellphone and i quickly check it for any new massages...like from Harry...


He problably won't be able to remember me. He had been pretty drunk and would be very hungover today.

I congratulate myself for not drinking any booze yesterday. The headache would have been unbearable.

Grinning, i think about last night's best moments while putting the dishes onto the table.

A truly amazing night.


I drive the kids to school and decide to go to a gorceries shop, since the refrigerator was pretty empty this morning.

Just as i loaded everything in the car, my cellphone suddenly vibrates in my bag.

Surely it's Sarah.

I unlock the screen.

Unknown number:
Hey, therapist.

Oh my fucking god.

He has remembered me after all.

Harry Styles has my cellphone number and he decided to text me.

Holy shit.

Harry Styles has my cellphone number and he decided to text me.

Harry Styles has my cellphone number and he decided to text me.

Oh god. What should i write back?

I try not to hyperventilate and quickly open Sarahs chat.

Harry Styles just texted me. What should i write back??❤

She answers immediatly.

Just be yourself.

Great advice, my sarcastic conscious needs to tell me.

With shaky hands, i open Harry's chat again.

Hey back.

He writes back in no time.

What are you up to?

Standing on a carpark. You?

Taking an aspirin.

I'm not hungover at all.😇

You wasted your drink on me.

It was just coke.

Believe me, i noticed. Hair is all sticky.


When he doesn't write back after a minute, i get in the car and drive to the Jacksons' place.

During the drive, i keep thinking about the reasons he didn't write back.

Maybe he was pissed at your comment about not being hungover?

Maybe he got a call.

Maybe he lost interest in writing with you?

Maybe someone rang the bell at his place?

Maybe he...

The traffic lights turn green and i have to concentrate in the traffic, so i stop my crazy thinking.

After i put all my purchases away, i take my cellphone out.

One new message.

I unlock it but it is just a text from Sarah.

What did he write?

I send her a few screenshots from our chat.

Then i check my phone again for any messages from Harry.


So i decide to go running to get all my confusing thoughts out of my head.

Takeaway Nannies ( h.s.\ j.b.)Where stories live. Discover now