the meeting

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I ran around the block my mouth went dry as I found the most terrifying  sight my once friendly neighbor mr.Waterloo was now chocking down pieces of his dead wife brain slobbing and groaning as he fished around in her head for some more brain chunks.stepping backwards a stick snapped under the weight of my white and red chucks meeting Mr.Waterloo eyes as he lunged for me with feet unable to move from fear I just clenched my teeth and waited to be eatin but as wind blew pass my face I opened my eyes to find my body in one piece and a wooden arrow going through mr.waterloo's head my neck whipped around to find a 6ft tall guy dressed in all camo holding a big wooden crossbow in his hands with a crooked grin pressed on his face.

I was still frozen in one spot as I looked at him my brain was still processing what the hell just happened. He causally scrolled over and yanked his arrow out of mr.waterloo's head as if he just killed some type of game in the woods than he looked up at me cocked his eyeyebrow and spoke

"Aye pumpkin are you just gonna stand there and wait for another zombie to go for a slice of your brain or are you gonna move?"

" well I was gonna........move!" I yelled

I grabbed his crossbow and pushed him out the way I aimed it at the zombie head and with one shot it was on the ground layed out in front of us.

I threw him his crossbow and layed out on the ground beside him his eyes was wild with fear but seemed to go back to normal after a few seconds

"before I was rudely interrupted I was gonna move you didn't give me time mr. Smartass ." I gasped

"yeah my bad I see that you can move fast I didn't know you was good with a crossbow like that thanks for saving my ass." he grinned

"Your welcome I hope that's the last time you will underestimate me and another thing don't ever call me pumpkin my name is Cathy by the way."

I won't trust me well Cathy the name is Randy and we best to get moving we already burnt time killing zombies."

he got up and reached out his hand towards me and I took it I just met this guy but I knew we would form a bond but that's what scared me the most.

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