it's a quiet warm day in redoak but when there is a outbreak in the hospital things turn deadly as patients and doctors are infected with the z-virus hearing news of the outbreak Cathy knows her mother has been affected by the virus and things get w...
By the time we stopped running and finally looked back the zombie and the cabin was no longer in sight we took that as a good time to rest behind a tree Randy waited a few seconds to catch his breath before he spoke
"Cathy you okay?" he asked
"yes I'm fine never felt more alive." I replied
"Good because you needed to get out more." he joked
"Oh shut up Randy what time is it?" I asked
"2:00 p.m shit!" he barked
we burned a lot of time Randy we gotta find out where we are and get going in the right direction." I said
I started to stand up but Randy grabbed my hand and pulled me down to him
"What Randy?" I asked
"Your thong is on remember." he smirked
Truth is with everything that just happened I had forgotten their was no time to grab my pants Randy had just now made me remember I was running half naked in the woods I just starred at him and blushed and Randy crooked grin appeared within seconds
"your so cute ide like to slide that thong off my self doll but we gotta get going." he laughed
I watched Randy look at the river bank up ahead I didn't have to ask what the plan was He clearly was bent on following it you could tell by the look on his face that was our only option I decided Randy's back would be a good spot to rest so I asked for his shirt to cover my mild naked ass and climbed aboard his back And slept
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later I woke up to the smell of waffles and bacon opening my eyes I could see blurry blue walls but the details came into focuse as I seen Randy standing in front of me I quickly jerked my body forward with fear than Randy spoke
"Cool it girl we had enough time to stop and rest I found this house while I followed the path it led me to a road than I walked it till I got to this neighborhood full of abandon houses ." he said
"okay I just want to make sure we don't run out of time ." I replied
"We won't babe trust me ." he said
"I know I know I do I promise." I smiled
babe can you do me a favor I want you to have my child I decided that."
"Randy are u sure that's big way way big ." I gasped
"I'm sure I wanna be with only you this journey have showed me live life like it's your last."
"It taught me that to so yes yes I'll be glad to have your child Randy."
Randy made his way to me and laid on top of me he started kissing me relentlessly tearing my clothes off While he worked at his own clothing than he was inside me and I was inside him I knew right than we would be together forever