New start and new beginning

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I woke up and knew I had been sleeping for awhile I rolled of the white bed and started walking the gate was still standing amazingly but everything outside of it was gone it was like Red Oak never existed the General made his way to me
He spoke deep

"Mrs Hollow are you alright?" he asked

"I think so I can't say for sure." I replied

I know everything just happened so fast but it's okay now your gonna be fine." he said

"A New start a new beginning General ." I said

"Yes ma'am that's right you and all the others will be living in a New place where ever you choose and the government will pay for your house and car".

"General thank you ". I smiled

"Your welcome Mrs hollow The plane is gonna take you to your New destination."

"General call me Cathy and I would like one flight to Michigan please."

"Of course Mrs Cathy."

The General escorted me to the plane the nurses were escorting. Five elderly people and two adults on the same plane
We all got on the nurses made sure everyone was scraped inside good before they left out

I rubbed my stomach and realized I had Randy's watch on I'm guessing they found a way to get it off of Randy at the gate the plane took off as I smiled waving at the General and soldiers and the nurses until they became invisible I was glad everything was finally over I had to leave the past behind and strive for the future with my little baby Shane.

The end

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