(ಠ ͜ʖಠ) what am i doin' with my life

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Lenny Face is cool stfu ( ͡° ͟ل͜ ͡°)

tbh I'm actually working at this fic for 2 months now.

but no one cares lmao |ᴗ╭╮ᴗ|

enough drama

Words: 1183

~ENJOY~  ʢᵔᴥᵔʡ


Mikey can't stop thinking about it.

He lies in his messy double bed at night, spread-eagled on top of the covers, turning things over in his head. The August heat is almost unbearable, hammering the brick houses and litter-strewn alleys mercilessly. It's a disquietingly physical sensation, like hundreds of hands all over his sweat-slick skin, pushing him down onto the sheets until moving and breathing become something he has to struggle for.

Everyone thinks it's Gerard who's the more eccentric one of the two of them; with his ink-stained fingers and elaborate stories about vampires and open suspicion of strangers. But inside where it counts, it's Mikey who's the real freak. He knows, has always known, that what he feels for his brother is not normal, that it's sick and wrong and capable of breaking them both beyond repair.

So Mikey has let it go, done the right thing and buried all of it; all that want which had seemed almost bigger than Mikey himself but which he learned to hide anyway.

And now this.

With a groan Mikey turns over, resting his forehead against the damp pillow. In his mind the scene from three nights ago plays again and again; the look on Gerard's face, a mix of surprise and something else, something more complicated; his eyes, dark in the dim lights and raking over him like splintered nails; the sudden tension in the room.

Mike shudders, pressing his hips deeper into the mattress. He remembers too the way he'd reacted; swaying to the touch that hadn't even been made, fingers already sliding over his own flesh, undecided between covering it up or revealing it further and all it would've needed was one word from Gerard and he'd—


He's half hard and aching and stupid, god so stupid, because it's not what it looks like, it can't be. It can't, and Mikey's made his peace with that a long time ago.

But what if it is, a traitorous voice at the back of his head asks. What if, what if, what if?

Shut up! Mikey tells it, breaths coming shallow and ragged, his hips rocking against the bed. He can't lie to himself. If Gerard... If he...

Mikey will take it; everything Gerard is willing to give. He'll take it and he won't even try to say no.

There's something like a plan, except less formalised, floating under the surface of his consciousness; vague notions of pushing things a little just to see, hazy thoughts of tight girl blouses and make-up and having Gerard's eyes on him again, hot and wanting.

Mikey moves his hips faster, his shoulder blades drawn tight, cock dragging over the dirty sheets. He comes like that, without even touching himself; an image of fishnets and high heels and Gerard's hand on the inside of his thigh throbbing in time to his release.


So, the second time is the second time only by default. Anything else would mean Mikey is counting.

Mikey is not counting. Mikey is simply... experimenting.

Or he would be if there was any conceivable opportunity to do so.

Gerard has done an admirable job of avoiding Mikey over the last few days, especially considering that that neither of them have left the house except for work (Mikey) and band practice (Gerard). Besides, it's not like Mikey can just pull on something tight and revealing for breakfast or slobbing in front of the TV. He needs an excuse.

Ironically, it's Gerard who finally provides it.

On Friday, Mikey ambles into the kitchen to find Gerard sitting at the table, sloppily spooning cereal into his mouth. He looks like he's just woken up. It's half past four in the afternoon so he probably has.

"Hey," Mikey says, getting a bowl from the cupboard and pulling up a chair. He helps himself to dinner, pouring milk over the cereal and watching it turn chocolaty.

Gerard smiles in response, mouth still full. He's meeting Mikey's eyes for the first time in a while and Mikey feels himself relax, slumping slightly in relief.

They talk idly over their food, exchanging meaningless gossip. Gerard tells about Ray's new guitar and how he almost ripped apart some asshole kid who had dared to touch it. Mikey recounts the latest episode of Pete's epic, but seemingly doomed, attempt to woo Patrick over at the neighbouring record store. This time included a dubious use of helium balloons and ended up with the entire office gathering outside to point and laugh. Everyone at the local indie label Mikey worked for was hinged one way or the other, Pete just happened to be the most open about it.

Finally Gerard gathers his dishes, dumping them in the sink. "So, um," he says, turning to face Mikey. "We got a gig tonight. At the Unmarked Place. You wanna come?"

Gerard has this band. They're... not bad, and at least it gives him an excuse to get out of the house a couple nights a week. Gerard had of course asked Mikey to join them, but Mikey liked his job. He was comfortable behind the scenes and had no desire to be on stage being stared at.

He'd also told Gerard that it would do them some good to at least try to lead separate lives; living together already meant they were in each other's pockets more than most brothers. Gerard had looked a little crestfallen about that, murmuring that he didn't mind and it hadn't been a problem before. Mikey had pretended not to hear and remained firm even though it was almost impossible for him to refuse Gerard anything he asked for.

There was another reason Mikey had thought joining Gerard's band was a bad idea but seeming as it revolved around how seeing his brother scream and strut and seduce the goddamn stage at regular intervals might be too much for Mikey's self-control, he hadn't exactly shared that with Gerard.

"...just a small time thing, dunno how many people there'll be and you don't have to, just thought I'd..." Gerard is still talking when Mikey refocuses to the conversation at hand. He seems to have progressed to full-scale flailing, standing awkwardly at the doorframe and looking vaguely embarrassed.

"No, I..." Mikey clears his throat and tells himself that there is nothing unusual going on here. "Sure," he says with forced casualness. "I'll be there." His insides feel like they're full of burning stones. It's difficult to breathe normally.

"Great!" Gerard beams at him. "See you later then."

He bangs out of the house with a tiny backward wave. Mikey waits a full minute until he's sure Gerard is gone.

Then he goes to his room and upends his entire wardrobe onto the bed.


Another bloody A/N 

I guess you'll have to wait like 1 week or maybe 2 :P


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