I love Varg

315 20 4


I'm lazy

No.One.Cares. :>>

I like Animu btw :^)

Words: 939



The Unmarked Place is a club that lives up to its name; the entrance is hidden behind a Chinese takeaway, the only indication that anything of interest at all is going on is the small but elaborately decorated poster announcing tonight's line-up.

Mikey pushes through the scattered group of kids hanging outside the door, exchanging a greeting here and there. His job makes sure that despite not being particularly active on the scene for a couple of years, he still gets waved in for free at most venues in Jersey.

Inside the air is thick with sweat and alcohol. Mikey's outfit is relatively tame compared to the others in the club; a girl's shirt with a subtle heart pattern actually helps him blend in with the crowd, which is good enough for now.

Mikey doesn't care whether anyone else looks at him twice tonight. Gerard will recognise the shirt, he's sure, and then... Well, then they'll see.

The first two bands are unremarkable, punk rock by numbers, and Mikey hangs back, leaning on the bar. There's a short break before Chemical Emergency take the stage and Mikey sips his water, watching Bob and Ray set up their instruments while Frank does something indecent with his bass. There's no sign of Gerard yet, but that's not unusual. Mikey's been to enough of their shows to know that his brother prefers to spend the minutes leading up to it biting his nails and furiously chain-smoking cigarette after cigarette.

Tell the truth, Mikey could use one himself right about now.

Finally Gerard walks to the stage; a scruffy awkward dude in front of the lonely microphone stand who seems for all the world like he'd rather be anywhere else. He doesn't raise his head or look at the audience.

Then Bob hits his sticks together in a fast one-two-three and the band crashes into the first song like an avalanche. Gerard thrusts his fist into the air, eyes black and burning, voice ripping everyone apart.

Mikey lets himself stare for three whole songs. He can see Gerard searching the crowd, clearly looking for him, but Mikey is too far back to be seen, hidden by the glare of lights. There is still time to leave unnoticed, to forget about his stupid dangerous non-plan, but even as Mikey tells himself this, he knows he won't be going anywhere.

As the band launches into their fourth number, Mikey pushes off the bar, making his way to the front of the stage. Step by step, he can feel his body fall further into the familiar rhythm of want and seduction and c'mon, I dare you. His stride becomes loose and relaxed, centre of balance shifting down to his hips and now he's almost dancing, letting the crowd carry him onward.

The press of people is intoxicating, everyone screaming and swaying to the music. Mikey goes with it, grinding against the nearest warm body, head thrown back and mouth shamelessly open.

It doesn't take long until he's spotted. Frank gives him a cheerful middle finger in greeting, Ray and Bob too focussed on their playing for anything except a brief nod and raised eyebrows, respectively.

Mikey knows the exact moment Gerard sees him, his gaze following the line of Frank's extended arm and landing on Mikey with an almost physical weight. His eyes grow wide and then narrow in recognition as he takes in what Mikey is wearing. There's a half a second when Mikey actually thinks Gerard is going to miss a line but he spits out the end of the verse like it's something foul and soul-stealing.

Mikey feels hot and feverish all over but he has to know, has to know so he keeps his eyes on Gerard even though everything in him wants to look down in apology. But he's done nothing wrong, nothing that couldn't be explained away, not yet, and if Gerard doesn't-

There. A deliberate once-over, Gerard's eyes travelling up and down his body, lingering on hips and neck just like that night and fuck fuck, the look he's giving Mikey is neither brotherly nor particularly friendly.

Their eyes meet for a split second when they both stop moving and breathing, but then Gerard wrenches his gaze away with a visible effort, stalking to the other end of the stage.

The rest of the concert is a confused mix of oh god, he wants me too and what the fuck did I just do.

Gerard takes out his - Mikey doesn't even know; anger, frustration? - on everything and everyone else, while Mikey stands to the side and watches his brother do his very best to bring a crowd of scene kids to the brink of an orgasm.

Gerard plasters himself all over Ray's back for the chorus, goes to his knees in front of Bob's drum kit, crowds Frank until he pushes Gerard to the floor with a feral grin on his face. It's clear that while his band has no idea what is going on, they're happy to just roll with it.

Gerard prowls across the stage like he plans on having sex with it, leaning into the sea of reaching hands while he screams about love in a voice on the edge of breaking. He sings like he'll die if he doesn't, every other word stretching into a filthy moan; runs his hands over his own body, slow and obscene.

Not once does he look at Mikey.



I'm Varg Vikernes Trash

I almost deleted this chapter


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