Chapter 10

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yay, new chapter!
I'm going to publish the next chapter later.
Words: 483


Logically, Mikey knows that the person in the mirror is himself. That doesn't stop him reaching out, fingers pressed against the smooth glass, tracing the outline of his bare arm, the deep burgundy red of his mouth.

He's wearing the dress. The black, pinstriped one he bought in a moment of daring and then buried at the back of the closet. It's short, clinging to his hips in a way that makes him shiver at every step. The cut gives a suggestion of breasts where there are none, the demurely high neckline somehow calling only more attention to how slutty the dress actually is.

It doesn't stop there. A velvet choker circles his neck; tight enough to restrict breathing if only slightly, wide enough to look like a collar. His legs are encased in thigh-high boots, slick black vinyl over fishnet stockings that disappear under the hemline. Out of sight, but brushing against his skin every time he moves, the garter belt hangs low, attached to a pair of silk panties.

Mikey wants to touch himself through them but daren't. Just putting the underwear on had had him biting back a moan and if he starts now Mikey doesn't think he'll be able to stop.

He wrenches his gaze up. Meeting his own eyes is an effort, but behind the make-up, behind the haze of need and trepidation, it's still him looking back, no one else. Knowing that somehow makes everything a little bit easier to handle.

Mikey takes a deep breath and walks downstairs, heels loud against the hall floor. He finds Gerard in the kitchen, back turned, rummaging through the drawers.

He really doesn't look any different from his usual self; old tee under a denim jacket, jeans that seem made entirely of holes and paint splatter.

Mikey clears his throat. "What are you supposed to be?" he asks.

Gerard startles, turning around. "A zombie victim." He shrugs. "Didn't exactly have time to-"

The rest of the sentence gets bitten to shreds as Gerard's mouth snaps shut with an almost audible sound when he sees what Mikey is wearing. The air between them is suddenly heavy and thick with tension.

Mikey swallows. He's blushing and there's nothing he can do about it. "Do you... Do you like it?"

"Yes," Gerard says, taking a step closer until he's right in Mikey's personal space. "I like it." His voice is tight, eyes burning holes into Mikey's skin and for the first time ever he can't tell what Gerard is feeling, whether he's angry or something else entirely.

For a heartbeat or two Mikey thinks this is it, this is it, but then Gerard simply reaches around him and snatches the car keys from the table.

Guess they're going to Frank's party after all.


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