Chapter 1

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You walked through the halls, silver platter with plates and cups atop it in one hand and a full kettle of tea in the other. A lower servant fetched you to give you orders from the master of the household himself. Master Harold wanted a serving a tea for his two guests and himself while they had a meeting in his private study where most servants were not allowed to go. Except you of course. You certainly were not the youngest or the oldest of the maids, but you were the most trustworthy and obedient. Your quiet demeanor and peaceful nature earned you the position of head maid; it wasn't anything to be proud of and you weren't paid anymore that's the average maid or butler, but it certainly did have its plus sides. You were allowed more days off and had more places to clean as well as act as the masters personal maid. You kept his quarters tidy, set his baths, cleaned and organized his clothing, and retrieved his meals and packages. So when you were sent to make tea for his company his was not entirely surprising, just classy friends of his and- wait. What you saw was definitely surprising. Two people were sitting in the chairs in front of Master Harold's large desk both wearing rugged clothes accompanied with a large trench coat style jacket. One was a male wearing a top hat with a dark red colored ribbon around its base, while the other was female with dark hair braided around the back of her head. The only guests you really see were wealthy businessmen and sometimes women who wore elaborate clothing with fancy hats and headpieces with colorful feathers and beads. You did not expect such rough and tumble looking people, especially your age- to be in friendly terms with your boss. You silently crossed the room not making eye contact, you set the platter down first and then went on to pour tea into three of the cups leaving the guests to set their's accordingly while you prepared Master Harold's way of drinking it as usual. You ignored their conversation since it was nothing to concern you, but you could still feel a pair of eyes watching you. Your (e/c) orbs flickered up quickly to meet with a pair of green eyes rimmed with brown, unique is probably the best description, but alluring could also work. You darted your eyes back down to your hands to complete pouring the tea before backing away and silently making your way towards the door,

"(Y/n) could you come back for a moment?"

You froze then turned to see how you could be of assistance seeing a piece of paper being held out to you,

"Can you find this book in the library please?

You nodded and read the small, scribbled on parchment before shuffling out of the room to retrieve the desired book.

~While you were gone~

Jacob couldn't  help but let his eyes follow your back as you walked out of the room, your long, (f/c) skirt scattering freely behind you. How could a goddess be in the same room as him? He never believed in love at first sight, until now that is. He paying attention from the moment you entered the room, but he was suddenly snapped back  when Evie tapped his shin and glared at him from the corner of her eye. He started listening again only to be distracted when the door opened a few moments later and you silently stepped into the room, book in hand. You  walked across the study and laid the book down on the desk then left the room, feeling eyes on your back the entire time. Jacob wished that you would come back even with no orders to, he didn't care if you didn't say a word or just stood there. He just wanted you back in the room with him.

~Teeny Tiny Time Skip~

Mr. Leovine Harold, as he introduced himself as, escorted Jacob and Evie down the halls back to the entrance of the building, Evie and Leovine talking more about Blighter's interactions while Jacob walked behind the two. You walked by the small group of three with a basket a towels in your hands and your eyes glued to the floor. You looked up only a split second and your eyes met his- the mystery guest that was watching you intently earlier. You averted your gaze back to the basket leaving Jacob to stare as you walked by. He thought for a second, you were a bought maid owned my the master of the household right? What if someone else bought you?

Jacob smiled wildly then jumped forward in between the conversation,

"I have a question for you, Mr. Harold."

"Yes, Mr. Frye?"

"That maid from earlier, what was her name?"

"That was Miss (Y/n) (L/n), my head maid. Why do you ask?"

"How much did she cost you?"

"What do you mean?"

"You bought her, correct? You also pay her, and give her shelter here?"

"Of course."

" I will buy her from you."

Evie did a double take and with the most flabbergasted tone she countered,

"Jacob, you can not buy one of Mr. Harold's maids!"  

"Why not, Evie?!"

Mr. Harold's laughed and waved his hand dismissively,

"Do not worry, Ms. Frye. If he wishes to buy a maid from me then all he must do is offer the correct price."

"Sir please, you do not have to-"

"So how much?"

~Back to you!~

You placed the empty basket in the storage closet in the lobby hallway after placing the towels in the appropriate bathrooms around the first floor.

"(Y/n), gather your things your leaving."

You flinched as the voice of your boss resounded behind you. Were you being kicked out? Why would he fire you? You turned to see Master Harold and his two guests, the male looking like he accomplished traveling the world while the female looked annoyed and not at all amused. You nodded timidly with a quick, "Yes, sir" before speed-walking to your shared room and shamefully walking to the trunk next to your bed. You shared your room with three other maids, but only two were in the room at the time making your walk of disappointment less, but still equally embarrassing. You packed your belongings into a leather satchel before closing it and looking over your shoulder to see the saddened looks your were getting from your roommates. You looked down dejectedly then got up, slowly making your way back to the main entrance. There were many worst maids you could think of that should be fired, but why you? You were always obedient and did almost all the work of setting up parties and banquets, yet you were being sent off? You sighed silently when you reached the front hall ready to face the bleak walk to the nearest inn where you would stay until you acquired a new job. You didn't expect for the guests to still be at the door seeming to be waiting patiently,

"(Y/n), I would like you to meet your new master, Mr. Frye, and his twin, Ms. Frye. You will be serving them from now on and you will be living with them. I expect you show just as much respect to them as you show me, understood?"

"Yes sir."

Mr. Harold nodded and smiled, gesturing to the Frye's- one being your new boss- and started to walk back up the hallway towards the inner rooms of the house.

"Off the three of you go then. Have a good day and good luck."

You watched Mr. Harold go wondering if it was the last time you would see of him and what your new job with the Frye twins would be like. You turned back to see the same looks on the twins' faces from earlier, annoyance and extreme happiness. Where was this new adventure going to take you? 

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