Chapter 6

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It took me forever, but chapter six is finally finished.  I'm sorry it took so long, but I was bust preparing and taking finals and then going on vacation after school ended, but I'm back and I have one shots coming later. (Hopefully this week.) ~Spell

After another morning consisting of waking up Jacob and eating breakfast with him you went about doing your daily chores;  Jacob came back from claiming more territory for the Rooks when he caught sight of you cleaning some of the windows,

"Hello, love. Are you ready to join me on our outing today?"

You looked up to see the largest smile on Jacob's face,

"Of course, Master Frye. Will you tell me where we are going?"
"No, not yet at least."

He lead the way off of the train and down multiple streets while he talked with Rooks that caught up with the two of you. You walked a step behind the green clad group clustered around their leader and watched some of the carriages passing by; Jacob must have noticed your quiet demeanor and stopped. You almost walked into him, but halted in time to catch yourself and apologize which he waved off and stuck out his arm. You looked at him confusion so he explained,

"We can walk together, love, you seemed lonely walking behind us."

You hesitantly linked your arm though his making a genuine smile stretch across his face and a blush to appear on your's. After walking for what seemed like forever while listening to the multitude of jokes and stories the group were telling to one up each other until Jacob silenced them when he told a very detailed story of how he escaped a train falling off a cliff. The Rooks grew quiet before they started to compliment and congratulate their leader leaving you wondering just what type of job Jacob has. You all soon came upon a large lit up warehouse resounding with yelling and laughter that made it sound like a larger version of a pub.

"Master Frye, what is this place?"
"It's the fight club!"

He seemed almost enthusiastic as he lead the way in to show you the forsaken ring of death as it should be called instead of the fighting ring. He walked closer to the ring with you in tow while the Rooks followed behind and cheered on one of the two contestants of the fight. You swallowed nervously knowing that this place was not in your taste, but since Jacob desired to come here then you must follow. After watching more than a few men get carried or dragged out of the ring it seemed no one to want to challenge the champion of the club as the announcer proclaimed. The man who seemed about triple your size paraded around the ring victoriously with a smug grin and a proud strut in his step. You separated from Jacob who was boasting to some of his fellow gang members so you stood alone which must have caught the man's attention. The beast of a man leaned against the ropes that line the ring towards you with a smirk,

"Why hello, doll. Did you come here alone?"

You stuttered out a squeaky reply,

"I-I came here w-with friends." (Ohhh Jacob got friend zoned!)
"Well would your friends mind if you left with me after this to grab a drink?"

Jacob turned around to get your opinion in the silly argument going on, but he found you were not by his side and were instead talking to that arrogant 'champion' with a flustered expression. Jacob growled under his breath and walked up next to while lacing and arm around your back; he gave the man a scowl,

"Excuse me, but am I interrupting something?"

The tone in the assassin's voice was menacing and threatening as the grip that tightened around you. You whimpered slightly and moved closer to your employer while the fighter  chuckled,

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