Chapter 7

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Hi everyone! My IPad is fixed and I can now update again! I'm so excited to be writing again truthfully and since it has been so long you all get a nice long over 2000 work chapter in celebration for 2k views! Warning though because this chapter has many feels in it! Many feels, I repeat, MANY FEELS! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!! ~Spell

It has been a full month of working for your new bosses, the Frye twins, and so by this point you were all a bit more aquatinted. You learned from Jacob that Evie and Henry, or "Greenie" as Jacob called him, had feelings for each other, but put work first. In an attempt at revenge for spilling such a secret, Evie convinced some Rooks to get her brother drunk so that he would later have a nasty hangover. That was how you learned that Jacob was a happy and flirtatious drunk and that he picked you to be the victim of all his humorous attempts at flustering you. Let's just say that most of the time it worked, until you finally figured out he was drunk. And soon you found out he did not handle hangovers well. To sum it all up, your first month living there allowed you to become closer to the people you now spend everyday with.

Jacob had also learned a few things about you, when on the rare occasions you would talk about your past. He learned about your family and you his while you also told him how Mr. Harold was only a family friend who offered you a job when he learned of your arrival in London. Jacob was also surprised to learn that you came from Crawley, just like he had, and came to London to work on your nonexistent love life. Your mother and father were frustrated that you didn't seem to find any men interesting and sent you off to find someone who could make you happy. As soon as Jacob had heard that and realized so far that your attempts are unsuccessful, he made it his mission to make you happy in any way that he could. If you seemed infatuated with flowers at a florist or a book in a store, Jacob would stutter an excuse and disappear later appearing with said book or flowers. He would hand whatever it was to you, his whole face covered in a embarrassed blush, and so over time you would let small smiles to appear on your lips making large ones to spread across his.

You remembered all these good times fondly as you walked towards Jacob's quarters to wake him up yet again. Over a bit of time you learned that you could wake him up by waving food in his face, but only did that when opening the shades wasn't enough. You walked in, usual breakfast tray in hand and a slight shake of your head at the position Jacob was sleeping in. He was laying on his stomach with one hand above his head on the pillows barely grazing the head board while the other hung limp off the side of the comfortable looking bed. The sheets were tangled in his haphazardly thrown about legs while he let out soft snores here and there along with incoherent mutters in his peaceful sleep. You walked further into the room letting the door slide shut noisily behind you and placing the tray down on the all to familiar desk. Trotting over silently to the snoring man in bed, you bent down and shook is shoulder trying to wake him,

"Master Frye, it is time to wake up, from what I hear you have work to do this morning."

With an unattractive snort, huff and grumble, he let out a muffled, "Work can wait" while trying to go back to sleep. With a sigh you shook him again repeating the same thing you said before trying to get your point across until you heard him groan, a sign that he was finally going to get up. With your mission accomplished you turned around to get back to the breakfast sitting on the desk, but yelped in surprise when a strong force pulled you back. You landed ungracefully atop the figure that pulled you down with your face buried in a warm neck; you raised yourself slightly with your arms to come nose to nose with the brown/emerald eyed sneaky devil who landed you in this predicament. Your (e/c) eyes widened and your (h/c) hair fell around your face creating a curtain around yours and his so no one could look in. You cursed at yourself mentally noting to next keep your hair back when you have to wake up Jacob tomorrow if he wanted to play this trick again. He gave you his signature cheeky smile while you gulped, a blush covering your entire face in embarrassment, "Master Frye, I do not think this is quite appropriate much less was this my intention." You wanted what you said to come across confident and demanding, but as soon as the words left your lips they were shaky and stuttered. Jacob only laughed at your attempt and stared up at you while the feeling of his thumbs rubbing circles into your back and hips was distracting; you let your eyes slide close to clear your head, but Jacob then took that as his opportunity to flip you both onto your sides with your hands on his chest his nose buried in the top of your head. He closed his eyes out of bliss and happiness while yours widened with shock; your fingers curled on his chest while you swallowed nervously mentally preparing yourself for anything that may come next. "Master Frye, please. You and I both have work to do," you breathed out half heartedly while he chuckled and replied, "I told you that work can wait didn't I?" You went to nod, but you were suddenly pulled closer and thick sheets were thrown over your head and a hand came up to cover you mouth. The train door slid open and Evie took a step in only to see Jacob lying down on his side under the sheets while 'just waking up', "Jacob have you seen (Y/n), she was supposed to come wake you up?" Jacob let out a hum and shrugged, "I haven't, but she did leave her tray here. Maybe she went to go get something that she forgot for my breakfast, hmm?" Evie raised a brow at his behavior, but left to look for you elsewhere while Jacob freed you from your sheet prison. His hand fell from your mouth and back to your waist as you pushed away slightly to be eye to eye with the man who was smirking down at your astonished expression. "Master Frye, why did... why did you... what?" It you was the only thing that escaped you as all coherent thoughts left your mind in a fuzzy storm of confusion. Jacob's words were soft as he leaned even closer, "Do you know how great it feels for me to see you in the morning? That your beautiful face is the thing I see every morning?" You knew just staring  at him was rude, but you couldn't help yourself; your mouth sat slightly agape and your (e/c) eyes sparkling in confusion, yet from hidden happiness as well. Jacob's forest colored eyes roamed your face taking in every detail with a small smile his expression showing only calm adoration. You didn't see it coming, his movements were too quick, just the feeling of your lips connecting sent messages through your brain and all around your body. Everywhere was warm, your face, ears,  and shoulders all shining a rosy, red color while your eyes were wide, but soon closed. You had no idea what you were doing, but you responded to the affection hesitantly only boosting Jacob's confidence as he brought his large hand up to cradle the side of your face towards his.

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