Chapter 4

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Jacob slept peacefully, laying in one of the strangest positions that only he could find comfortable, when something interrupted his rest. A bright light was hitting his eyes as he woke, he opened his eyes to see the shades drawn back to show the shining, morning sun. He groaned and turned in the other direction trying to go back to sleep before a voice echoed around the train car,

"Master Frye, I am here to inform you that it is time to awaken. Ms. Frye is asking for your presence in about half an hour."

Jacob opened his eyes to see your form turned away from him, perfecting the tray on the desk accordingly. He couldn't help the smile that stretched across his face at seeing you; he sat up with a yawn and a stretch before tumbling out of bed noisily, but still maintaining balance. You turned slightly at the noise half expecting to see him in a pile of blankets on the floor, but seeing him standing with a nonchalant grin on his face was better. You went back to setting up his breakfast on the desk in the correct fashion as large footsteps penetrated the silence behind you. A large hand set itself on the desk top to your right which your eyes followed to meet the green/brown eyes that watched you enchantedly. You flickered your gaze back down to your hands feeling eyes on your back watching your every move; you flinched when a hand spread out flat against your mid-back and stayed there comfortably. You looked over to your right again seeing how much closer Jacob's face was,

"Master Frye, are you alright?"

Jacob gave a lopsided smile before moving to sit on the edge of the desk next to the breakfast tray and watching your curious gaze travel over his movements. He gave a small shrug letting his eyes look over the room before finding your face again; you were looking down and preparing coffee, Jacob couldn't be more thankful. He licked his lips feeling his stomach exaggerate its emptiness; you stepped away to the other side of the room. You looked over Jacob's jacket seeing how well of a job you did on the stitching seeing as how it was still holding up. You let a small smile appear on your face, you were quite proud even for such a small achievement. The smile disappeared as you hung the large jacket back on its hook next to the worn top hat, the small red ribbon around its base fraying slightly; your brows furrowed before an idea sparked. You picked up the hat and studied it a moment then gave a silent nod in agreement to your own thoughts; you set the hat back in place then stood quietly while Master Frye ate his breakfast and looked over papers, for what the papers were for you didn't know nor honestly cared, it was none of your business after all. When he finished he stood and walked in your direction with a smile upon his face and a bounce in his step,

"What do you have planned for today, (Y/n)?"

"I believe I will go shopping later today, Master Frye. There are things I need to purchase such as food, fabric, and more tea and coffee."

Jacob nodded while looking in between you and his beloved assassin clothing; he, as sneakily as he could, tried to reach around you to swipe up his jacket so he could dress himself. You caught sight of Jacob's hand making its way behind you so you stepped back slightly to block it off from reaching his clothing to which he huffed in exasperation. You looked up at him with the most innocent look Jacob had probably ever seen making his own eyes widen, he then sighed before turning around to let you put his clothes on him. You dressed him like the day before, adjusting his belts and buttons correctly; you picked his top hat off its hook delicately, standing on your tip toes to lay the hat in its rightful place on Jacob's head. Jacob watched intently trying to resist the temptation to smile uncontrollably; you set flat on your feet again and stepped back to place room in between the two of you again. You scanned you eyes across Jacob's figure seeing if you got everything before turning around to walk to the exit, but you stopped as Jacob's voice resounded from behind you,

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