Chapter 3

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Your day was spent mostly cleaning clothes and blankets around the train before you spent time on organizing Ms. Frye's books that were scattered around the car. You heard her complain earlier that morning how she was not able to find a single book in the mess and how she liked having them color coded. And so your used your time doing just that. You placed all the books on the shelf in the room making sure that all of the same color had their own section; by the time you were done everything it was showing the hints of a sunset outside. You busied yourself with putting your own belongings in places in your new 'room' making sure that it was orderly and accessible. You stood back when you were done feeling slightly accomplished, but seeing how the room was still slightly empty looking there wasn't much to be proud of. You sighed and went to grab one of your old books when the door slid open noisily behind you; you turned to see the sight of a staggering Master Frye with blood staining most of his clothes. He smiled up at you with a coy grin that just screamed, 'Oh yeah, I'm fine.' You rushed over to steady him by grabbing his fore arm and leading him towards a chair to sit in,

"Master Frye, what has happened to you?"

"Don't worry, (Y/n). I'm fine, I just got into a bit of a tussle with some Blighter blokes."

You of course knew what Blighters were, who didn't? You were always told to avoid them and refrain from going out at night because of them. So when Master Frye mentioned that the Blighters were the cause of his injuries, you flinched and asked him to take a seat.

"(Y/n), seriously I'm fine!"

"Then what did you come down here for?"


Jacob didn't even know why he came to see you, he just thought that it was the best option, yet now he stumbles over his own words. The sigh that escaped your lips was almost inaudible which led to the sly smirk that crossed Jacob's own features,

"Am I a burden against what you were previously doing, (Y/n)?"

"No, Master Frye. I just find it a challenge to take care of you in this state as long as you keep denying that you are certainly injured."

Jacob's expression fell after that, you were always utterly serious when it came to your job and even now you stayed level headed. You walked across the room and pulled a box off of the shelf before returning to Jacob's side; opening the box allowed Jacob to peer inside to see medical supplies and small towels and rags. You opened a bottle which Jacob could only guess was and alcohol of some sort before pouring a good amount onto a rag. You looked over to Jacob expectedly making him look at you curiously,


"I'm going to need you to remove some of your clothes so I can tend to the wound, Master Frye."

Jacob smirked then stood slightly, shedding some of his layers where they piled on the floor; after becoming shirtless he sat back down with a wince, watching your calculating yet calm eyes assess the injury. On his left side placed under his rib cage was a cut that seemed to be made with a dagger or some small knife of sorts, it was also accompanied with a slash on his right shoulder. Neither were too deep, but being as the one on his side was in a pain sensitive area, you could imagine why it would hurt so badly. You took to work on the cut there on his side, kneeling down beside the chair and cleaning the laceration, watching as he would flinch when it came in contact. You knew the sting that came off of the alcohol when put on an open wound, so you sympathized with him but didn't show it. Why? Well you were taught to never show any emotion around the masters of the house or any guests. You finished cleaning the cut and finally wrapped it seeing how since it wasn't deep it wouldn't need any actual stitches. You then moved to stand to his right carrying out the same process before finally packing everything away into the box again and discarding the blood-covered towel onto the desk for washing later.

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