Chapter 8

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The next few days went by in a slow pattern of you staying away from Jacob as much as you could, that meant after you woke him up you would excuse yourself with a small lie and a bow. He never seemed to catch on to what you were doing,
he looked to be too caught up with his weird new attitude that he didn't give you any attention. It was a blessing due to the situation yes, but oh his new attitude got under your skin. He wouldn't speak to you and would barely utter a word to Evie or Henry before leaving the whole day, only returning late into the night half drunk and even more downtrodden then when he left that morning. He wasn't eating any of the breakfast you lay out for him and when you did go out and spot him he was always angry, beating on any poor Blighter that so happened to be near by. You didn't like it, but you couldn't confront him, you had already tried. During the night of the whole ordeal you stood at Jacob's door about to knock once and then again and again. Every time you would raise your hand to knock it would fall back to your side; you tried taking deep breaths and practicing what you would say in your head and that didn't help at all either. After standing there for at least twenty minutes of neither him noticing you at the door or you having the confidence to knock, you gave up finally thinking that since he never came to the door, because he surly would have noticed you, that maybe he was out. You sighed and had made your way back to your own train car; on the other side of the door Jacob laid in his bed, still in the same clothes he wore all day, staring at the ceiling with a blank expression. Of course he had heard you at the door, but didn't register it thinking that maybe it was his mind trying to play tricks on him yet again.

While you went along with the memory replaying in your head, Jacob sat in the large couch in his room, groaning from the headache pounding around his skull. He really didn't handle hangovers well. One leather clad arm rested over his eyes while the other hung off the side of the cushions holding his top hat only an inch or so off the ground. He was still moping about his loss with the thought that the whole ordeal was a dream ringing through his brain. The door to his train car opened with a rattle and a squeak as Evie strode into the room looking as frustrated as always, "Jacob, what are you doing?" Said assassin groaned and turned further into the cushions of the patterned couch while letting his hat roll to the ground with a muffled thump. Evie sighed and walked over while sitting on the arm of the couch, she patted the back of Jacob's leg and let out a huff feeling an oncoming lecture storm into her head preparing itself, "Alright, Jacob, what's wrong?" Jacob only responded with an incoherent mumble and a groan following afterwards. Evie didn't back down and continued her assault against her disgruntled brother by poking at the back of his thigh while repeating the same phrase, "Come on, Jacob. Tell me." Jacob snapped up after about the fifteenth attempt to rouse him; he swatted away Evie's hand and settled on the couch with his legs crossed. He ran his lands down his face with a groan before staring down at his knees that were compressing the cushion below him, "I just do not feel in the mood, Evie." "I can of course see you aren't in any type of good mood, but at least tell me why you have been acting like you have for the past few days." Evie would never admit it out loud, but she worried for her brother's health and so led her to the situation she was in now. Jacob let out an inaudible sigh and didn't look back up as he spoke, "I just...I had a dream that I thought was real, but it wasn't and I...I." He stumbled over his words trying to finish his thought, yet found it hard so instead he just covered his face with his hands and sat quietly. Evie waited confused and rose an eyebrow at this new behavior that she has never seen before, "Jacob, what was the dream about?" "I kissed (Y/n)." "WHAT?!" Evie jumped from the couch surprised and her sudden outburst made Jacob look up with wide eyes. Evie has known about Jacob's little crush on you since you were first welcomed here, but hearing him say that he had some sort of romantic encounter with you was exciting. She looked down at her brother with a smile which fell when she saw his disappointed expression and the sadness written in his unusually dull eyes. "Don't tell me that's what the dream was about?" Jacob nodded as a response and Evie sighed; she sat across from her upset, younger brother and rubbed her hand comfortably along his shin. He watched her actions then met her eyes, " I woke up and realized the whole thing never happened. I must have had something I'm my sleep or something because (Y/n) hasn't talked to me since it happened." Evie was sympathetic and patted Jacob's leg with a small smile, "Come on, Jacob. Whatever happened to trying to get on her good side not matter how many tries it took?" Jacob didn't respond an instead opted to look down, finding the pattern of the couch more fascinating than the conversation, so Evie tried another approach, "Alright, how about this? You start off small by first talking to her again and then go from there. Get to know her and she can learn more about you, and not only things about her past. Her personality has to be hidden in there somewhere, so find out who she truly is." Jacob nodded at the idea with the a smile starting to shine through his most recently vacant features, "You're right, Evie! Why give up now?" He suddenly stood, hitting his hat with the tip of his boot. He leaned over and picked up said hat off the floorboards and after wiping imaginary dust from its top, he placed his own iconic symbol in its rightful place on his head.

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