Chapter nine || It's okay

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Richelle's PoV
I had to get out of there. I can't believe Noah! How could he just stand there?! I dragged a hand through my hair as I walked quickly into the music room. I feel like I'm on a loop. Find out I'm pregnant in a cubicle at the next step. Be nervous to tell Noah. And finally telling Noah only for him to freeze up. I thought he had grew up. He's twenty one for gods sake! He's dealt with much worse than a little plastic stick. I sat down on the seat beside the piano, resting my hands on my palms wiping my eyes with my heels. Oh god! What am I on about? My hormones are making me crazy. I swear I have cried at least ten times today! I shouldn't be so hard on Noah. He was probably shocked! I mean we certainly weren't planning on a second baby.
How are we going to cope? Sophia is already a handful on her own. How would bringing a new baby into her life change her? Will she be a good big sister or will she be jealous of the attention it may receive? There's just so much to think about it. It's flying about my head so quick that it hurts. I need to calm down. Just breathe and out. That's it!
I just can't help but think about what it may look like. The baby I mean. Will it have my eyes or Noah's? Noah's silky brown hair or my dirty blonde?  What personality will it have? Without thought I lift my head up from my palms and drag my hand down till it rests on my stomach. I feel my heart beat faster and faster. My baby! Correction. OUR baby! It's so small! I don't remember Sophia feeling this small. I always thought I looked like a beach whale when pregnant with Sophia, even if Noah told me other wise. I feel my eyes well up with tears as I slowly stroke my belly. Oh god! I'm actually pregnant! In nine months I will have a new born baby in my arms.
Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder. I jumped in shock. Oh Noah! I turned to look up at the person only to see...Michelle? Through blurred vision I see that she is giving me a look of pity. She sits down beside me before pulling me in for a hug. She strokes my hair and I let the tears fall down my cheeks. Oh god, what would I do without Michelle? She is the sister I never had growing up.
"Oh Ritchie! It's okay! Noah's being an idiot. He'll come around soon. And if he doesn't I'll make him!"
Said Michelle, her voice getting harsher by the end of the sentence. She dragged her hand down my hair before placing a gentle kiss on my forehead. I kept a hand on my stomach, lightly trailing them up and down and in shapes.
"....can you feel anything yet?"
Said Michelle cautiously, her eyes glancing down to my belly. I looked down at my hands before looking back up at her.
"Not yet"
I said, my voice a little hoarse.
"I guess it's too early."
She said in response. I nodded my head in agreement. We sat in silence, until suddenly I heard something in the distance. My name.
I glanced up at Michelle nervously. That's Noah's voice.
Michelle and I glanced at each other with worry. Noah's looking for me. He does care...
Soon enough he came tumbling into the music room. His face was a little red and he was slightly out of breath. He stopped short in the middle of the music room and stared at us. He opened his mouth a little and it looked like he was going to say something but he didn't. I watched as his eyes trailed down from my face until he was staring at the hand on my tummy. I instinctually moved my hand across my belly as he watched. He gulped before moving his eyes so that they bore into my mine.
He said softly. The tension in the air was thick. I felt Michelle's grip tighten on my waist.
"Ritchie...I'm sorry."
Oh Noah! I felt Michelle shift uncomfortably in her seat. I moved my eyes from Noah to watch her. Her cheeks were red and her eyes stern. She looked angry....
"Your sorry! SORRY! Is that the best you can do Noah!"
She took her hands from around my waist and stood up, crossing her arms.
"You're pathetic! You made your fiancé and the mother of your child think that you didn't want this baby! You froze up! Stood in a trance and didn't even bat an eyelid as she ran out of the studio. I know this baby wasn't planned. I know you were probably shocked. But there is no reason, absolutely NO reason to act like that!"
She walked closer to Noah and stood directly in front of him.
She poked his chest with her index finger. Noah flinched back at her touch, continuing to look fearfully into her eyes.
"You made her cry! More than once! I know you hate seeing people cry. You hurt her Noah! Real bad!"
She said stern. Oh that was rough! Michelle can really lay it in deep. I tore my eyes away from her to look at Noah. I saw tears start to pool in his eyes. He looked defeated. Tired. Hurt. I don't like it! I don't need her to fight my battles. I can do it on my own. I slowly stood up and walked over to them. I rested my hand on Michelle's shoulder.
"Michelle stop! Can you go? I need to talk to Noah on my own."
I said giving her a forced smile. She gave me a look that said 'you sure?'. I nodded my head yes in response. She gave one last angry look towards Noah before walking away slowly. I watched as she walked out the door until she disappeared completely. Here it goes...
      I slowly put my hands on my tummy, closing my eyes. We really need to talk about what we are going to do. I jumped up in shock when I felt the soft skin of Noah's hands touch mine from behind. I leant my head up to him, giving him a weak smile. He just continued to stare at me with a look of sorrow painted on his face. I turned back around, leaning back against his chest and looking at our hands. Underneath our hands, a tiny baby is growing. A brother or sister for Sophia! Noah started to stroke my hands, placing a gentle kiss on my forehead before burrowing his head into my hair.
"I think we need to talk...."

Here you go guys, another chapter in this book 😘I hope you enjoy it

Ever lasting Nochelle(sequel to a Nochelle Pregnancy)Where stories live. Discover now