Chadwick Episode 1: part 1.

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*Amy's P.O.V.*

"It isn't related to what happened this morning, is it?"

"Hmmm...what makes you say that?" he asked.

"Father said that you were all supposed to protect me. So if something requires the team's attention, it must have to do with my attackers." I answered.

"That's...very astute, Ms. Lewis."

"Not really..."

"No, don't be modest. First you correctly identified Agent Lynch, and now this. I'm really impressed that you pay such close attention to what happens around you." Chadwick said as he rubbed his chin to collect his thoughts.

"I don't want you to worry, but if you insist...Another threat has just came in." he spoke again.

"A Threat?!...Is someone else already after me?"

"That's what the team is currently investigating."

"I see..." I said as my heart began to beat harder at the thought of another attacker lurking somewhere in the city.

"Like I said, I would rather you not worry about it. It's my responsibility to look after these things. In the meantime, I want you to resume your normal activities."

"But isn't it too dangerous?" I asked him.

"That's what I'm here for. Let's see...First let's get ourselves organized." he said pulling out his phone and began typing, his thumbs a blur.

"Our itinerary is as follows. First, I'll drive you back to your apartment. Are there any items you need to pick up on the way?" he said looking up from his phone.

"I don't think so..."

"Excellent. Once I drop you off I'd prefer it if you stayed in the rest of the day, just to be extra safe."

"That's fine...I have some school work to finish. But what are you going to do?"

"I'll be in a second location keeping a record of everyone who comes and goes from your building." he said looking down at his phone.

"All day long?"

"Of course. And I'll give you instructions on what to do if you notice anything the slightest bit suspicious."

He suddenly paused and looked up from the phone again.

"Will you be attending classes tomorrow?"

"Ummm..." I said thinking of what to say.

"It's strange to be talking about going back to school already, given everything that's happened!...I have a lecture in the morning and than a drama club meeting..."I continued.

"Ok. If you don't mind, I'd like you to email me your class schedule as soon as you're back home." he said entering more information into his phone.

"Because you are at the greatest risk when you're in public, I'll be accompanying you to the campus for the time being." he finished.

"Really? But wont that...draw a lot of attention?" I asked him.

"Not at all. I'll prepare a backstory for you to review and memorize by tomorrow morning."

"Hey that sounds like homework!"

"Perhaps, but it's necessary in order to protect your identity..."

"I was joking, Chadwick."

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