Chapter 11- Im falling for you

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Justin's POV

They rushed Ashley into the ambulance and drove away quickly.
" Hurry ! We need to go to the hospital immediately! We need to see her!" I panicked, running to the living room, grabbing my keys, and running out the door and into my car.

Chaz and Ryan came rushing out the door quickly, flying in the car. They buckled them selfs frantically, while i backed out and zoomed my way out the driveway and to the hospital.

I ran out the car , locking it and not even waiting up for Ryan and Chaz , i oeft them behind. The hospital doors opened for me , before i had made it a few feet away. I jogged towards the fromt desk and waved my hands in front of the lady looking at the computer.
" Yes sir?" She asked , patiently looking at me.
" Can i please see Ashley ? Ashley Silva" i spoke , impatiently.
" I'm afraid she cant be seen right now" she said , reading from her computer, " She seems to be in critical condition, she might not make it" she said , giving me a frown, and shooing me away.
" She might not what?!" I asked , clearly shocked.
" Im sorry sir, but there is a slight chance she will not live for much longer" she said sadly.
" Well can i see her atleast once?" I asked, my eyes getting teary.
" She cant be seen right now, i will ask her doctor when she can, please take a seat" she spoke sternly, turning to face her computer once again.
I sighed running a hand through my hair , and making my way towards a chair in the waiting room. This is all my fault ! Shes probably dieing because of me!! I starved her , abused her, and hurt her. I couldnt take it anymore, guilt filled my body. I jogged towards the bathroom , ran into a stall and cried silently. I slid down the wall, scrunched my legs up to my chest and dug my head into my arms.

After a what felt like hours , i heard footsteps outside of the stall so i wiped my eyes with the back of my hands and stood up.
"Justin, where are you?" Said a voice sounding like Ryan.
" We know your in here, cmon man , we're here to help" Chaz said, getting closer to the stall door.
" Aha! Found you!" He said , pounding on the door lightly, " Cmon , we're your bestfriends, were here for you bro" he said quietly.
I sighed loudly, awaring them i was going to come out, and opened the door slowly.
I walked out in front of them, but kept my head down to hide my face.
" We know your hurt because you think its your fault that Ashleys here but-
" I KNOW ITS MY FAULT CHAZ!" I screamed loudly, " Its always my fucking fault!" I said , covering my tear stained face with my hands.
" Justin, its not just your fault its ours too, we are in this together" Ryan said, giving me a simpathetic look.
" God im so stupid. What have i turned into" i said, tears streaming down my face once again," Im a monster" i said quietly.
" Dude no! Dont say that !" Chaz said resting his palms on my shoudlers.
" No , i need to see Ashley now" i said, walking out the bathroom door and making my way to the lady in the front desk.
" Give me Ashley's freaking room number right now!" I spoke loudly, pounding my fist on the counter harshly.
" Sir , ive already-
" Now!" I exclaimed angrily.
" Room 205 sir on the third floor" she spoke, clearly frightened.

I jogged towards the elevators quickly, pressing the three button. The doors opened and i ran through the hallway looking at each room number on this floor. I stopped at 205 , taking a deep breath before opening the door slowly.

Right when i opened the door , i spotted Ashley, laying lifelessly on the hospital bed. She had and IV hooked up to her vein, she had tubes going up her nostrils, and she had something clutched on her finger. The beeping of the monitor next to her , making a sound every few seconds indicating she was breathing. Her lips were pale , and her cheek bones showing. She was very skinny, her bones showing through her skin at every inch of her body. Her chest would rise up and down every few seconds.

I hadn't even realized i was crying until i felt something wet hit my hand, that was grabbing onto the bed handle. I leaned forward , planting a soft kiss on her forehead.
" Im so sorry, i didn't think it would come this far , even if i said it maybe would", i spoke softly, " I feel absolutely terrible and i will never forgive myself for this, ever". My hand made its way to my face, wiping the heavy tears coming down.
" Im falling hard for you Ashley..." I leaned down , grabbing her hand and planted a gentle kiss.


Will Ashley wake up or is this the end of the book ?! :O haha jk !! I till need way more chapters to end the book not even close! But will Ashley die?

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