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Song: Radioactive- Imagine Dragons

My eyes flutter open. My whole body is aching, especially my wrist, my neck, and my mouth- specifically my gums. I look around the dark room and see nothing except a dim light above me. I look down at my wrists to see they are tied to a metal chair. I pull as hard as I can to break them, but it only causes my wrists to burn from the scratchy rope. My ankles are also tied, and they manage to burn too under my jeans. Out of no where, there is a low, menacing chuckle.

"Well, well, well, the newborn finally wakes!" All at once, all of the lights in the room come on, and I realize I am in a warehouse.

In front of me is a tall, muscular, handsome guy who has the slightest smirk playing on his lips. I look him up and down. He has on a pair of black jeans, black converses, a black v-neck which shows his well defined eight pack, and a leather jacket over it. I look at his face. He has a sharp jawline (definitely droolworthy), dark brown hair which is up in a fohawk, and he has a light beard. His smirk only grows bigger.

"Thanks for checking me out sweetheart, but I would be more worried about the rest of your life." I remember the ties on my wrists and ankles, and start to jerk around. He only snickers more.

"Get me the hell out of these before I end you." I growl, and he bursts out laughing.

"End me? I'm like, twenty times stronger than you. You are only a newborn." I continue to jerk around to loosen the ropes and he stands there, watching me.

"I don't get what you mean by 'newborn'." I say through ragged breaths from trying to get the ropes off, "I have been alive for eighteen years, dumbass." He gives me a deadpan look, and shakes his head.

"Whenever you can get yourself out of those ties, I will tell you what I mean, Miss sass." He grabs a chair and turns it around so the part that supports your back faces me. He sits in it so that his long legs are on both sides of the chair, and his arms casually lay on top of the metal chair.

The way he was sitting was too attractive to be real, and I won't lie when I say it turned me on. Dammit, how could this even be possible? I just met the guy. It didn't help that his outfit, face, and hair, screamed the whole bad boy look. It wasn't a lie when they said every girl is a sucker for a bad boy. It's just the way it works.

I sighed in frustration, and then I sat still. I could not get these ties off, so I stopped trying. Eventually he would have to give in, right?

Nope, he is stubborn as hell.

I wish these ties would come off already.

I thought to myself, and the mysterious hot guy opened his mouth as if he was going to say something, but then his eyes widen, and he stares at my wrists in shock. The ties had untied themselves and slid off my wrists and ankles, and I stared in shock too.

"That's impossible." He muttered to himself, and I stood up and did a victory dance. I looked over at him to see him staring at me like I was bat shit crazy, and I walked over to him. He stood up, and I stared at him in shock. It was impossible to be that inhumanly tall.

"How did I do that?" I ask, and he puts his hand to his chin, rubbing his scruffle. Who knew someone could make rubbing their chin so attractive?

"She is a mind deceiver." He mutters, and I cross my arms over my chest.

"Hello? An answer would be nice." He looks down at me, and I see his eyes up close and personal. They are a dark brown, but around the rim of his iris, there is just a hint of light brown, and that brown is so mezmorizing; I almost had the urge to kiss him.

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