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Song: Bad- Michael Jackson

He held me tight in his warm arms as I sobbed into his shoulder. I clutched onto him tightly, dead set on never letting him go.

"I missed you so much, Theo." I sobbed, and he kissed my forehead before smiling down at me.

"I know, baby. I saw you everyday. It killed me to see you so heartbroken." We pulled away from our hug, and he stared at me for a couple of seconds before crashing his lips into mine.

I wrapped my legs around his waist, and he held me with ease. He slowly walked us to his bed, and laid me down gently. He kissed me passionately, yet gently, and I tangled my hands in his soft brown hair. He pulled away and moved to my neck, and I let out a small moan as he placed butterfly kisses on my neck. He did this for a couple of minutes, and then I could feel his smile against his neck as he planted his lips on mine once again.

"I love you, Theo." I mumbled against his lips, and he smiled. He pulled away and caressed my cheek with his hand.

"I love you too, princess. Always." I smiled at him and pecked his lips once more before pushing him on his back and laying my head against his chest. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around me, and I smiled into my chest.

It felt so good to have him back.

For a couple of minutes, we stayed silent. All I could hear was Theo's gentle breaths, and the sound of his heart beating. The thought of that brought a smile to my face, and I glanced up at him.

He was staring up at his ceiling, and I noticed how, even in the dark, his beautiful brown eyes still managed to twinkle. I noticed how his plump lips had the ghost of a smile on them, and how his long eyelashes touched his cheek ever so gently whenever he would blink.

"You have always had a thing for checking me out, baby." He winked, and I giggled before pecking his cheek. He smiled down at me, and I laid my head back against his chest.

"What's on your mind, princess?" He questioned, and I sighed as I traced shapes into his chest.

"Your heart stopped beating, Theo. Don't get me wrong, I'm out of this world happy that you're back and alive, but I just don't understand how you are alive." He sighed as his arm tightened around my shoulder, and I glanced up at him. His face was conflicted, as if he wasn't sure what to say.

"I was in limbo after I died, Mel. I wasn't in heaven, and I wasn't in hell, I was somewhere in the middle. I guess I was where restless spirits were." He caressed my shoulder with his thumb as he paused, and I intertwined our hands. "I eventually realized some of the vampire was left in me, so I used that to get my heart beating again."

He let go of me to sit up, and I sat up beside him. He gazed into my eyes and smiled at me, and God, it was the most beautiful thing I had ever witnessed. That smile was his genuine smile, and I would be lying if I said it wasn't my favorite. Anything about Theo was my favorite.

"Do you know why I found the strength to make my heart beat again?" He asked, intertwining our hands and taking them up to his mouth to plant a soft kiss on mine.

I shook my head, and he smiled at me again before saying, "Because there was a girl here on earth that was heartbroken, and she needed me to be hers. I came back for her."

He continued to smile at me, and my eyes became blurry as I wrapped my arms around his neck and held him tightly. A single tear escaped my eye, and I smiled into his shoulder.

This was the most truest version of Theo I had ever seen. The truth about him is that he had a big, beautiful heart. Even if he wouldn't admit it, being able to be the good in someone's life, or giving someone the hope they needed made him genuinely happy.

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