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Song: A Thousand Years- The Piano Guys

Seven months later...

I slid on the royal blue sundress and stared at myself in the mirror. My baby bump stood out the most. Yesterday started the seventh month of my pregnancy, and I had never been so happy in my life. I practically glowed. Everyone said I had been so much more jubilant, and the whole atmosphere of the mansion had been perfect.

Theo had been amazing too. Ever since that day at our spot when he told me we were having a girl, he has been doing everything he could to make her the perfect room. Him and Tobias spent a whole week buying furniture for her room, and they even painted her room lavender. Theo arranged the furniture in her room, and he bought her every toy she could dream of. He was so excited, and seeing him so happy made me happy.

Today, Theo and I were going to buy baby clothes. I was beyond excited. There was only two months left, and my baby girl would be in my arms. I had many dreams about her, and in those dreams, I always saw her with Theo's beautiful brown eyes.

I pulled my hair into a loose ponytail and applied some light make up. I slid on my flip flops, and as I rubbed my belly, Theo walked in and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Hey, princess." He whispered, pressing a gentle kiss against my cheek, and I smiled as I leaned into his chest.

"Hey. How was your day?"

"It was good. Tobias helped me set up the rest of the baby's room, and now I get to spend the whole day with you." He buried his head in my shoulder and smiled. "You look beautiful, by the way."

I giggled and smiled at him. "Why, thank you."

Theo held me a little longer, and just as he was about to pull away, the baby kicked in my stomach, and she just so happened to kick right where his hand was. Theo's mouth formed into the shape of an O, and he kneeled down in front of me, cupping his hands on my stomach.

"Hey, baby girl." He whispered, kissing my stomach. "It's your daddy."

I smiled down at Theo as he smiled at my stomach, and tears formed in my eyes. I had never seen Theo so compassionate or caring about anything. I had never seen him so excited about something-- especially something like this. He pressed one last kiss to my stomach before he stood and pressed a passionate, yet gentle kiss against my lips, and I smiled through the kiss. When we pulled away, he smiled widely at me.

"I love you, princess."

I smiled back and kissed his cheek. "I love you too. Always."

Theo intertwined our hands and led us out of my room. I thought we were going to leave to go shopping, but he placed his other hand over my eyes and walked me through the halls. He led me to the opposite end of the hall, and he led me into a room. When he pulled his hand away from my eyes, I gasped, tears filling my eyes.

The baby's room was completely finished. The walls were so bright with their lavender color, and above the crib was angel wings, with a space in between for our daughter's name. I walked further into the room and looked around.

Above the white crib was a butterfly crib mobile, and her crib had purple polka dot sheets with a butterfly blanket. Adjacent to her crib was a changing board, and above it was a little mirror with a white bow. To the left of the changing board was a white rocking chair with purple pillows and a foot pedestal, and beside that was her dresser, lined with pictures of Theo and I. beside her closet was all the toys you could dream of, and oddly enough, her room had the faint scent of lavender. The thing that caught my attention most, was the beautiful glass chandelier on the ceiling.

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