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Song: Hard To Love- Lee Brice

"Princess, wake up." I ignored his voice and snuggled back into my pillow. I let out a content sigh and started to drift back into sleep.

"You left me no choice." I heard his voice say, and then I was suddenly rolled off the bed. I let out a groan as I hit my head off the floor. Theo snickered above me, and I glared at him.

"Was that really necessary?" I ask with a glare.

"No, but it was pretty funny." He continues to laugh, and I roll my eyes before standing up. My head throbbed with pain, and my ribs ached.

That's when the memories of last night flashed in my mind.

After Parker stabbed me with the wooden stake, he and Hana ran off. Theo pulled the stake from my chest, and he carried me to his car. After getting our bags, we moved to a different place. This time we were in a cabin in the middle of no where. Hazel said this was the safest place for us to be, so we were now here. I was extremely weak, thanks to the stake, so when I found the bed in the cabin, I collapsed on it and instantly fell asleep.

Now here I was, standing by the side of the bed, death glaring at Theo.

"Glad you had a laugh. Now let me sleep, you incessant beast." I climb back in the bed, and he plops down beside me, wrapping his long arms around me. I cuddle into his chest and let out a content sigh.

"Ouch, baby. You seem to like to call me a beast a lot." I roll my eyes and look up at him.

"Then stop being one." He places his hand over his heart and gives me an offended look, and I giggle. I lean up and place my lips on his, and he smiles through the kiss. When we pull away, we are both smiling.

"If that's your way of apology I will gladly accept it anytime." I roll my eyes once more before getting up. I started to make my way towards the mirror when he slid in front of me, blocking my way of looking in the mirror. I raised my eyebrows at him.

"You might not want to look in the mirror. You honestly look like you have been hit by a truck and a ghost possessed your body. Like a really old, pale ghost with bags on her face. I know how you feel about that whole self hatred thing so just don't do it."

I waited for his serious expression to change, but it never did. He was being completely serious. I felt like I had been stabbed again, except this time, it was by Theo's words.

He thinks I'm ugly?

He made my new life terrible with all of his comments about my weight and practically hating me for the first three months, but none of that hurt as bad as what he just said did.

He quietly chuckles before kissing my forehead and wrapping his arms around me. "That's not what I meant at all. If I thought you were even the slightest bit ugly, I would have no interest in taking you on a date tonight."

I look into his brown eyes, and a smile grows on his face.

"A-a date?" I stutter, and he nods his head, his smile never fading.

"Don't make me regret it, princess. Your dress is in the bathroom. Be ready by seven."

He begins to walk away, but I grab his arm. He turns back to me and raises his eyebrows, and I wrap my arms around his neck, burying my head into his shoulder.

"Thank you. Nobody has ever taken me on a date before." He hesitates before wrapping his arms around me and returning the hug.

"I want to make you happy. This is only the first of many things." We pull apart and he walks out of the cabin. I sit on the edge of the bed, smiling like an idiot. Theo was actually taking me on a date. Just me and him. No one else. Tonight was going to be perfect.

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