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Song: Walkashame- Meghan Trainor

"Aaron, if you don't pick up your damn pace, this track is the last thing you will ever see!" Theo screamed, his eyes red and narrowed, and Aaron's face paled.

What did Aaron do?

Aaron ran faster.

"You know, you could be a little easier on them. They're newborns, Theo. They are trying." I suggested, crossing my arms over my chest, and Theo let out a sigh as his eyes softened.

"I just want them to be able to defend themselves, princess."

I shot him an assuring smile. "And they will. You are the best influence and trainer they could have. You trained me and now I can defend myself in any fight."

The ghost of a smile appeared on Theo's lips, and he walked closer to me, wrapping his long arms around me.

"You flatter me, princess." He gently pressed his lips against mine, before he glared at the newborns. "But if they don't move a little quicker, I'm going to rip their throats out one by one."

"Get a room!" One of the newborns yelled, and Theo's eyes burned red before he zipped over to the newborn and slammed him against the wall. The newborn cowered away in fear, but I knew Theo was only trying to intimidate him, and trust me; it definitely worked.

How did I get roped into helping newborns train? Well, my lovely boyfriend insisted I was the second strongest, and I could help them through the training since I was put through the worst. At first, I refused to help him, but Theo had such a way of convincing a girl-- especially his girl. He persuaded me to help in.. Other ways.

Theo let the newborn go, and once they were finished their laps, they moved to the obstacles in the ceiling. Theo and I showed them how to maneuver the obstacles, and while he was teaching the guys how to jump higher, the girls huddled around me with eager faces. I shot them a confused look, and quiet giggles escaped their mouths.

"What's so funny?" I questioned, crossing my arms over my chest, and the newborn in front of me moved closer, which caused the other girls to move in as well.

"We want to know how you and Theo met, and how you made him soft!" She squealed, and my mind only became more clouded with confusion. I got the how we met part; that was easy to tell, but how I made him soft? Did I really make the great Theo Rivera soft? Sure, I was his girlfriend, but I don't think even his own sisters could make him soft. Of course, I decided to make their teenage minds even more crazy with our story.

"Theo saved my life and brought me here. It wasn't always easy. He wasn't perfect and neither was I, but something clicked with us, and eventually, we came together." Their smiles grew bigger, and a small smile grew on my own lips. "As for how I made him soft; trust me, there is nothing soft about Theo-- physically, emotionally, or mentally."

The girls faces grew beat red before they busted out laughing. I eventually joined them, tiny giggles escaping my mouth. I knew I had made Theo soft. He had never been so caring, so compassionate, so gentle in his whole life. A part of him had grown soft, and to know it was because of me was the greatest feeling in the world.

"If you all are done gossiping over there," His deep voice drawled out from behind me, causing me to jump, "we would love for you to come back and join us for training."

The girls went dead silent as they dashed back to the course, and I slowly turned to see Theo glaring at me.

"Must you interrogate them during training?" He asked, crossing his thick, muscular arms over his chest, and I swallowed hard. The way his muscles flexed across his broad, built chest-- Good lord. I would never survive assisting in training with him at this point. Even with his drool worthy muscles, I could never miss an opportunity to use my sass.

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