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Song: Can't Be Tamed- Miley Cyrus

Love Bites.

The two words to make my head spin with anger and disappointment. I guess I should have expected it- Theo is the type of guy to hurt you with words, and sometimes physically (I mean, he has to. It's his job.), but I thought he would have let me down easier then telling me those stupid two words that made me want to punch a concrete wall and sit in front of my TV watching sappy love movies as I endulge my sorrows in delicious chocolate ice cream.

Today, Theo had his music blasting through the house. He does it every now and then, but today, it was partially loud and ear shattering. Even with two pillows shoved against my ear, nothing could drown out the sound of Jimi Hendrix rocking on the guitar.

Song after song, a dull pain began to thump in my head. Slowly, it grew, and eventually, I had a raging migraine. The emotions I were feeling didn't help much with the migrane.

I kept the pillows to my ears as I quickly ran down the stairs and into the kitchen. I looked around, trying to figure out where they would keep the medicine in there, but I couldn't think of any possible place.

Take the pill on the island.

An unfamiliar, deep voice said in the back of my mind, and my eyes shot to the little red pill lying on the island.

Usually, I would think red equals danger and I wouldn't go near that thing, but since my head was begging for relief, I decided the hell with it, grabbed the pill, and chugged it down with some water. Slowly, the banging pain began to disappear, and eventually, my head felt fine.

I left the other red pill lying on the table, and removed the pillows from my ear, but I really had the weird feeling to attack whoever walked through the kitchen door.

Anger and rage had taken over my mind, and all I could feel was the want to kill someone. I didn't know who, I just knew what I felt. The next person to walk through that kitchen door wasn't going to have much luck.

I was going to wonder about and find someone, but Tobias walked in, followed by Hazel, Brett, and Theo. The first three, I didn't want to bother with.

Theo? I wanted to murder him.

My eyes narrow and lock on him, and he gives me a weird look. Tobias, Hazel, and Brett stop what they are doing, and stare at Theo and I.

"Since when did they enter into an old western stare down?" Tobias questions, and Brett shrugs his shoulders as he hops up on the counter.

"I don't know, but we need some popcorn. I have a feeling it is going to be good." Tobias snickers, and Hazel rolls her eyes.

"Idiots." She mumbles, and Theo walks closer to me.

"Mel, why are you looking at me like you want to rip my intestines out?" My fists clench, and my eyes narrow more.

"It might be because I do want to kill you." The confusion on his face only grows more apparent, and he crosses his arms over his chest.

"Look, if this is because of last night-"

I grabbed the butcher knife beside me and threw it at him, though it slid right past him and into the wall. Theo immediately froze, and looked from the knife to me.

"Would you shut up!? All you do is talk, and talk, and talk about pointless stuff that no one cares about! I'm so sick of hearing you!" I roar, and his mouth drops to the floor.

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