Chapter Six

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"Dammit!" Sherlock shouted at his laptop, fist pounding against the desk.

John startled and looked at him over his morning paper. "What is it, love?"

The detective sighed, tapping a few keys. "I was trying to think of a way to end my book, but there doesn't seem to be a way to do so without allowing the villain to win and the main character dying. Rubbish. Who actually wants the 'bad guy' to win?"

"I dunno," the other man murmured. "I've seen villains in a couple of different series that I liked because they're different, I guess. They're just human in a way, and choose a different path -- one that normal people don't take--"

"John, I never asked for a philosophical explanation about villains."

John chuckled. "Yeah, I know. I just mean the bad guy is... good. Sometimes. Just has a different view. Anyway, before I got into all this explaining lark, I was going to suggest that both protagonist and antagonist lose."

Now, Sherlock smiled. "I love it when you're clever." His eyes sparkled and honestly, he couldn't look more child-like if John put flowers in his curls.

"Yeah, well," John stood, tossing his paper down and moving to the kitchen for more tea, "I've watched more than you have. And (arguably) read more."

"You have not!" Sherlock called back, already typing. "I've seen every movie you have, and you every one I have, so we haven't seen anymore than the other has and I know I read just as much as you do. I just do it quicker."

John laughed. "Yeah, how long did it take you to read all of Harry Potter?"

"It was one time, John, and I couldn't go on after Albus--"

"You really just call him Albus?" The doctor laughed, moving to sit his mug down, as well as one for Sherlock and wrapped his arms around his neck. "But Dumbledore sounds so much cooler... And isn't it disrespectful to call a professor by their first name?"

Sherlock sighed. "Umbridge has no respect from me, but I don't call her Delores."

"Fair point." He grimaced. "She was a bitch."

The detective looked up at him. "Language, John. You said you'd be cutting back."

John smirked and leaned down to brush his lips over Sherlock's ear. "You don't seem to complain in the bedroom."

Sherlock shivered. "John. Working."

"Sorry." He really wasn't.


Any luck with your current case? MH

No, we're baffled up here. And Sherlock's not helping this time. He says it's not even worth the trip, it's so obvious. GL

Well, while my brother is quite the dramatic, he's rather correct this time. MH

If it's so obvious, why don't you come solve it? GL

What do I get if I do? MH

Dear God, you cheeky man, just get your arse up here and help me. GL

Already on my way. MH


Mycroft wasn't lying when he said he was on his way. It was only about two minutes after his last text that he arrived in Greg's office.

Greg immediately looked up at him, smiling and nodding him over. "Sally," he said, addressing the woman standing beside him, "this is Mycroft Holmes. Mycroft, Sergeant Donovan."

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