Chapter 8

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"Wait, what" I heard someone yell. But I just shrugged it off and just changed into more appropriate clothing for the match because a skirt was not going to cut it.
I changed into a short white sleeve shirt, with short shorts, and knee high socks with boots. I also got my sword out of its hiding place and looked at it. When I glanced at my reflection in sword my hair had gotten darker and eyes turned to a grey-blue-ish looking color.

 When I glanced at my reflection in sword my hair had gotten darker and eyes turned to a grey-blue-ish looking color

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'Oh great, well at least they will think of it as something else.' I started to walk back toward everyone else. After I arrived at my place on the field, I waited for Brandon. Finally after what seemed a century, Brandon came out wearing his armor (pic below)
"Do you really think you can beat me today Brandon?" I said smirking
"Well today my horoscope said that everything will turn out in my favor so I'm quite---"
"Hey Sofia do you have an pocky?"
"Yeah, what kind?"
"Your not even listening" he said grieving as if he were struck by an arrow.
"So are you ready?"
"Ok then 10 second head start begins now"
He came on without hesitation ready to take me on
He sent daggers flying at me but I quickly managed to dodge them ever so slightly
He casted a spell to damage me gradually
I began to fall in and out of unconsciousness
More daggers were sent with some making their target across my legs and arms
"Asuna don't give up," I heard someone yell.
"So you already tired Asuna-chan? Guess you underestimated me" Brandon smirked
My wounds kept me in pain for the remainder of the 3 seconds which still felt like crap
"No, I guess you underestimated me" I said with a devilish grin
I quickly chat a spell to heal my wounds, unsheathe my kanata from it's case, and slash him across the same points he slashed me at. "Hey, hey take it easy on me," he whined. "How about no?" I said
He quickly casted another damage spell stronger than the one before.
He comes directly at me with a rapier and we are stuck pushing one another backwards "But I will say this you have gotten stronger" I complimented. With a big happy face he let his guard down and I managed to push him back, knocking him onto the ground. I quickly went over and pointed my katana at him throat. "Do you surrender?" I asked him. "Do I look like an idiot?" He answered. "Yep,"
"Don't be so mean to me," he pulled me into a hug a little to tight for my liking and whispered into my ear "or I'll have to punish you" he pulled my chin up close to his face. My face turned beet red with embarrassment. "Also I don't surrender" he quickly tied my hands behind my back and sent more daggers my way. "Okay Brandon you want to play dirty huh?" I said schemly.
"Sure why no---- no no no"
"To late," I quickly summon a bow and arrows and launch a storm of them towards Brandon. As he busy dealing with the arrows I summon my own daggers toward him. "You seem busy Brandon" I yell.
"Not really I was just thinking while I froze these guys. And planned this"
At those words, I felt cold ice water trickle down my body chilling me.
My surroundings turned darker and I didn't look unharmful anymore.

__Cameron's P.O.V__
So far the battles been at the same level how can she be number one and yet have someone weaker than her beat her. It all looked staged until the water came."This is it every one the moment we have been waiting for Asuna beating the crap out of Brandon..........on a completely different note we will no longer prank Asuna with water when we get back" Sofia yelled entertaining the audience. The atmosphere had completely changed from friendly competition and clear skies to death match and storm clouds. 'Crap things are about to get intense'

__Asuna's P.O.V.__
"So a little water trick you played on me now"I asked coldly closing in slow on 30 meters. Brandon carefully backed up with a worried expression on his face.
"It was on accident"
"I'll show you what is an accident," I quickly teleported behind Brandon and held him at point I summoned a rope and quickly tied it around his body and hung him on the tree as a human ornament. Afterwards I used him as target practice. Which lucky for me I had only 4 daggers and 2 arrows left. I quickly through the first dagger. It missed him, but sliced through a branch across from him, Brandon's face was starting to get pale and sick. I laughed does he really want mercy after that whole show? I bring the second dagger to my face I aim and throw it with enough force that it shakes the tree when it hits. The third dagger rises and is thrown with so much precision that it only cuts 1 inch off his stick up hair. The fourth dagger rises and makes contact with Brandon in the stomach. I hear gasps, and how could yous but shake them off. I get my bow and arrows I get my first arrow and aim it at one of the ropes holding him up then I aim the second arrow to the other rope. Brandon falls down between the meeting of the sand to the lake water. "Never do that again ok Brandon?" I tell him sternly.
"Ok," he says I kiss him on his forehead and take him back to the others and explained what they didn't see going on the last few minutes
"Wait........she kissed you!?" They yelled. "Yep, she loves me," Brandon said grabbing me and wrapping his arms around my shoulders. "Why wouldn't I you're my older brother?" I stated. "!!!??? He's your brother?" They yelled again.
"Yep," I said smiling.
"Wait I got a question," Cameron said," we all saw you throw the dagger directly into Brandon stomach yet he is not bleeding and he has not been healed either?"
"Of that, quite simple the last dagger was make to appear as the real thing but is actually just some foam and some thin metal wire to give it shape."I said. Sofa looked at her watch and stated, "As much as I hate to see you all leave I think now is a good time to stop and go home see you all tomorrow. Andrea your up for snacks tomorrow." "Fine"
We all came back to the student council room and went home. But when we got back I had a feeling that someone was watching us.

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