Chapter 5

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Hi, I know that y'all don't like this, I don't either, but I would like to say a few things really quick:
1) don't copy this story that's just rude
2) I'm not professional so please don't be mean about mistakes
3) this story is fiction
4) please let me know about thoughts and books that you are writing, I love to read. Go on with the book...

The Hospital:
I awake to an annoying high beeping sound, and blinding bright lights, and the stench of medicine. I slowly open my eyes, so they can adjust to the brightness of the room without them hurting. I almost scream, once I realize that I am in a hospital, but my voice box will not work. It is stuck in it's own universe and will not allow me to communicate on this planet.
"Hello, I am your nurse, Lily. Just try and be still. You were in an accident, and were unconscious for three days." She slowly explains herself to me, acting as though I am a child.
Again, I try and speak and fail, so I just nod.
"Ok, just press the button, over there, if you need anything." I nod, and my lips twist into a tight smile, wanting her to leave.
Once she is gone, I try and move, just to notice a cast and sling on my arm and cuts down my legs. Sighing heavily, I give up on trying to move. I stare at a wall until a knock on the door awakens me.
"Hey." Tristan smiles at me. I instantly notice the cast on his arm, and the cuts on his face, and just like that, I am saddened and sickened. I caused this, all because of some stupid boy. I almost begin to cry, at the thought of what I did. Tears stinging my eyes, and soak my cheeks. Leaving lines down my pale face and turning my eyes a light hazel color.
"What's wrong?" Tristan suddenly in motion and trying to find out what is wrong with me. His eyes are filled concern and worry and sadness. Sadness that has been there for longer than I can remember, and all I have done was add on to it, I did not lift it away and push it out, I just put more in there. I shake my head, too afraid to attempt to talk. "Foreves." He whines pulling out the 'eves' extremely too long, and sends me a puppy dog face, batting his long eyelashes at me.
"I can't speak." I signed out to him with my hands. I taught all of my super close friends sign language, or at least the alphabet, so we can communicate with each other in class, without making a sound, and without making any trouble, so we cannot get sent to the principal. I love sign language, because it shows me that I do not have to talk to express myself.
"Why?" He shouts frantically; instantly losing his cool and bursting out of his chair.
"I don't know my voice box won't make sound." I sign to him again, stopping every now and then to make sure he is still caught up.
"I'm going to go get the doctor!" He shouts over his shoulder, as he runs, literally runs, out of the room and down the hall. I barely got the chance to hear what he said, because he ran out. I sigh once I am alone, and look around the room again. I hate being alone, it just shows me how lonely the world really is and it tells me how fast I can lose everything, and that makes me sad, but not as sad as I get when people around me are sad, like Tristan. When Tristan has one of his crisis' I began to think, what if I lose everything right now? What if he loses everything right now? What will happen afterwards?
"Good afternoon Ms. May, how are you? Wait don't answer that, your friend here, tells me that you can't speak, is that true?" I nod, still no sound coming out of my throat. "Okay, I want you to try and say hi for me."
"H-h-hi." It took me three tries to make it sound even close to a word. Every time I would try, I would cough due to my dry throat, the doctor realized this and handed me a glass of water, and I was able to speak again. "I am okay now." I smile, my voice slightly strained and raspy.
"Okay, once your parents get here, you may leave." I nod, refusing to speak. I love that doctors want to help people, but I strongly, very strongly, dislike getting help, from anyone, except Mrs. Carter. She is like the best.
"Hey Foreves." My mom and dad enter the room, smiling a little too widely.
"Hey." The confusion clear as day on my voice, on my tongue, on my face.
"Look darling, I have some news." My dad starts, then looks to my mom for help.
"Your dog, died yesterday." My mom eases out her words and I scream as loud as I can. That dog was my way through life. I do not know if I can live with out my puppy. I can barely live with him, and now he is gone and I do not know how much longer I will, I do not even know if I will make it through the week. Why the fuck did this happen to me?


Dear Human Reading,

I know that you don't like author notes, I don't either, but I want you to know a few things.

- I am not a good writer, so I apologize

- I don't know where this book is going, but it will go somewhere

- I will post the amount of words in each author note

- I love to read, so post your books in the comments and I will read, vote, and comment

- I am a bad writer, so please leave notes so that I can fix mistakes

- You don't have to read the author's note, they just tell a little bit of information about me, or the book or my life or something else

- There are 1217 words in this chapter

- Oh my, I just saw that 91 ppl have read this. Thank you sooooo much!!!

- You will probably not get another chapter for a week, but by then you will most likely get 3 or 4, possibly 5 chapters, so hopefully it is worth the wait. You can decide how you want it done, but if I were you I would rather wait then have 5 back to back, just saying

- Please comment!! I need direction and advice

- This chapter is shorter by almost exactly 1000 words, and I apologize, but I thought that this was the best way to end the chapter, just like the others, on the edge of your seat cliffhanger, and I want you to know that I do that because I want to keep you interested in the book and I think I am doing a good job, well probably not a good job, but anyway yeh so sorry for this shorter chapter, but chapter six will be normal 2000+

Thank you,


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