A Bad Feeling

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      Kaylen stared at the screen in frightened shock. Bunker 12 attacked and infiltrated?!  How much bigger has the Horde gotten? The Horde was a looses term for strange and deadly beasts who had once been normal animals but unlike the rest of their kind, instead of dying off, they had been altered by radiation. It contained every kind of hideous beast with every kind of disfigured trait one can imagine. There were so many various species and creatures so the bunkers refer to them as a whole, calling them the Horde. They weren't even a group, really, just a way to classify unidentifiable creatures. Until now they were perceived as a nasty, filthy, mangy group  of unorganized  beasts who didn't make too much trouble apart from the occasional raid on salvage gangs and airships, presumably looking for food. But attacking and actually INFILTRATING an actual bunker?

           The bunkers weren't cockleshells, they were very considerably armed and well- defended. The steel alloy protective covering of the bunkers were nearly 50 feet thick and almost indestructible. In the event of an attack, the bunkers would seal the doors and exits with nearly impenetrable titanium blocks, making entry through those impossible.

              On top of that, the bunkers had several high-power laser cannons, each of which could vaporize a small mountain from 12000 yards. Each bunker also had a radar system that could detect anything approaching in a 100-mile radius. And those were the basic defenses. Some of the larger and higher-ranked bunkers had even stronger defenses! Bunker 1 was the highest and most influential bunker, the capital of the other bunkers and the home of the Directorate. The rest of the bunkers rank from 2 to 40 in terms of  size and the importance of it's main function.

            Each bunker had its own specialty, a specific purpose in which was the main function of the bunker. Bunker 3's main function was Bunker Defense Operations and Militarist Support.  Bunker 8 was Power Management. Bunker 10 was Innovation and Design. Bunker 19, Greenhouse. Bunker 23,  Genetic Research. Bunker 29, Immobile Housing and Treatment Center. Bunker 31, Salvaging. Bunker 33, Recreation. Bunker 40, Detainment Center. Bunker 12 was where the Archives and Libraries were located. Kaylen kept his eyes glued to the screen, anxious to hear more. "More news coming after the break." said the host. "(UGLY WORD)"!!!!!!!! yelled Kaylen.

                             After several minutes, the host, Veneca From,  started to continue.  Veneca From was a familiar, if not the most familiar, face in the bunkers, for he had been the official newscaster for twenty years. Everyone knew his bright, cheerful, warm face, always stretched in a glowing smile, his greased electric blue hair, color unworn by anyone else, his lame puns that were older than the bunkers, his tendency to leave the audience crying for more then utter what seemed like his catchphrase "more news after the break," and his ridiculous donkey like laugh.  However, this time he was in a more serious mood. "The details have not come in yet," he said. "But from what the most honorable Directorate lets out, last night Bunker 12 was attacked and infiltrated by the Horde."

       "From what we can piece together, the bunker was attacked by an enormously large group of various heartless, despicable, carnivorous monsters ranging from every size and shape. They overwhelmed the outer defenses and penetrated the outer shell through the hanger entrance, which are not as protected as the rest of the bunker. They mercilessly slaughtered several thousand innocents in the bunkers and allowed nobody to escape. Only a massive armada of airships sent from the Directorate were able to drive the monsters off and  prevent them from wiping out the bunker."

          Kaylen gasped, feeling sick inside. Last night he had been on that salvaging trip! He shuddered, realizing that he was out there when the horde was, how narrowly death had been evaded. "Although," he thought to himself, "judging by what happened at Bunker 12, I'm not really safe in here either!"

          "It is not revealed what the exact creatures were exactly that cruelly attacked bunker 12". The news host said. "The survivors are being ushered to private quarters in other bunkers."

       Kaylen remembered the battered ship that was docking when he arrived back from the salvaging mission. It had a number 12 on it! It was probably full of refugees from the bunker.

         "More troopers and Security Agents are being ushered to the surrounding bunkers." Veneca From, the newscaster, continued. "Bunkers 13, 11, 14, and 17 are under protective lockdown. No one enters or leaves apart from soldiers and government officials, for their protection. Another wise move of the Directorate. More details may be released in the coming days. The directorate desires for everyone to be on alert and encourages everyone to stay inside."

                 "I will!" thought Kaylen. He hoped he didn't have any salvaging missions assigned. "Time for bed!" he muttered sleepily, shutting off the TV. He wanted to get a few hours sleep before Collin's party. He quickly drifted off to sleep.

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