Making New Friends! (and watching them beat each other senseless) Part 2!

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              Awright, who's next? Lt. Harkszkold growled. Colin and Pedro went next, then a new tough-looking guy with muscles the size of Texas stood up. Apart from the massive battle scars, he looked like he could be Lt. Harkszkold's blonde-haired twin.  "My name is Sgt. Hank," he growled. What was it with big guys and their grumpy dispositions? "If I had muscles like those, I'd be very happy," Kaylen thought

            "And this is my faithful companion!" Sgt. Hank said, holding up an ARK-assault blaster that was bigger than Kaylen and had enough firepower to immediately disintegrate everyone in the hoverspeeder were Hank to accidentally  fire it. "I thought those were illegal, save the army," Kaylen mused, distraught at the thought of being disintegrated. "Why are all the newbies nutjobs?" 

         "I'm Cornelius!"  the next person said, an overly jolly fellow who looked like a geek impersonating a nerd at the loser convention. He had big glasses covering up almost half of his small, weak face, no muscles, and an intense liking for mathematics. He was like the opposite of Hank, and Kaylen was surprised that he had the guts to come along, given his appearance. "My job is Salvage Analysis Personnel!" He had a high, nasal voice. "Or S.A. P. for short! I catalog and analyze artifacts that you find before they're sent to the archives!  If you need someone with a brain, I'm your guy!"  "What a geek," Kaylen thought. 

       Next a few guards introduced themselves, but Kaylen wasn't really listening. Until Collin leaned towards him and said "Your turn to go!" 

          Kaylen walked up to the front. "Hi, I'm Kaylen, I was born here at Bunker 31, and I've never been so scared in my life." Wait. Did he just say that? "Uhh.. Err.." No! You're just making it worse! "Just tell them about yourself" Kaylen thought, trying to reassure his nervous mind. "

        "I'm-uh- your ordinary salvage worker" Kaylen stammered. Finding nothing else to say, he walked back to his seat. 

     "Well, at least you're honest!" Collin said leaning towards him. "We're all scared,(except for maybe Tanya, Hank, and Lt. Harkszkold)  but you're the only one who admitted it. I think that makes you the bravest among us." Thanks, Collin," Kaylen replied, getting ready for the looonnnnnggg ride ahead. 

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