Celebrate While You Can

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         "BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!" Kaylen's alarm blared, screaming at him to wake up. "WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE-" "Ok, ok, I'm up," Kaylen moaned, sitting up in his bed. "Collin's party is in thirty minutes! Get ready now!" it yelled monotonously. "Oh yeah, the party!" Kaylen exclaimed, remembering the past few hours. He leaped out of bed. "Here are your clothes sir." A panel in the wall opened revealing a modern white jumpsuit, black tights, a sleek blue sport jacket and a pair of shiny goggles with gold-painted lenses. "Thanks, ABICCA!" Kaylen said.

                               ABICCA, Automatic Built-In Computer Citizen Assistant, is an intelligent citizen service program built in the bunkers to assist the citizens with their daily life. Each apartment has an individual ABICCA system, each programmable to the citizen's interests. Options for your ABICCA unit include voice, gender, and personality. ABICCA units further customize themselves by predicting what the user likes and wants over time. They can, depending on the system, do virtually anything you need, from housekeeping to alarm to cooking and more! Kaylen had a Unit 2342ADD version. not the most modern and efficient ABICCA unit, but it's dependable and satisfactory. 

            Kaylen put on his clothes and freshened himself up in the mirror. "Anything else I need to do today?" He asked. "Checking.... Just two, sir.  You need to collect your credits for the assignment you did for Bunker Director Serai five days ago on the main floor. You also need to pick up the Cyberchess game you gave to Roxburn to borrow during your journey." "Can I do them before the party?" Kaylen asked.  "Barely, sir, if you hurry." 

            Kaylen ran down the pristine white halls towards the elevator, hoping to accomplish the two tasks before the party. "Arrgh!" he huffed impatiently as he waited for an elevator to arrive. Finally one did, and he got in hurriedly. Inside was a thin elderly man dressed in a white lab coat, his attire designating him as a researcher, his face somber.  He stood blankly ahead, not noticing or making any gesture of recognition to Kaylen. He punched in the elevator button for the main floor.

    However, instead of heading down towards the main floor, it went up! Kaylen looked on the screen and saw that the researcher was headed towards Research Level 1A, far away from the main level. Kaylen cursed under his breath as the man reached his stop and he got off. "Finally!" Kaylen thought as the elevator ricocheted downwards.  

       "I have contacted the director." Kaylen's ABICCA pad went. Every citizen has a pad linked to their ABICCA, so they can recieve messages and schedule updates. "She is waiting for you now at Cafeteria 5-C." The elevator stopped off at the main floor.

         Kaylen stepped out onto the main floor of Bunker 31, the center of all that goes on in the Bunker. It's a bristling hub filled with people eating, picking up supplies and deliveries, and going about their business. It was the only place in the Bunker that had more color than white, billboards presenting news and other tidbits draping steel pillars holding up the ginormous room. He started through the crowds, making his way to Cafeteria 5-C, the place where they serve mostly an energy drink called coffee and similar concoctions.

            He saw the Bunker Director sitting at a table in the corner, distinguished by the regal  indigo uniform marking her occupation. Most people where simple white outfits for daily business, dressing in color only for special occasions, like the party he's going to. He ordered his usual drink, a Chocamoca Creme, and sat down at the table. He hoped to make this quick, so he could get to the party. She was drinking a normal coffee, without any flavorings or additives. "Let's make this quick" she said dryly. "I was thinking the same thing!" Kaylen replied. He held out his identity card to be scanned.

       Everything someone has in the bunkers is listed on their identity card. Credits, possessions, security, were all stored there. Director Serai pulled out her ABICCA pad and pressed a few buttons. She then scanned his card, transferring the payment to Kaylen's card.  "That's that" she said, putting the pad away. As she was getting up to leave, she noticed Kaylen's clothing. "Going someplace?" she inqired, almost accusingly. She was a stickler for the rules, and Kaylen was wearing a bit too flashy clothing for his status level.

          "Yeah, I have a party to go to in, um, 18 minutes." he replied nervously. If she thought he was lying, she could have him detained or worse. "Who's?" she asked doubtfully. "Uh, my friend Collin Tarmann's." he replied, sweat beginning to form on his face. She then took out her pad and did something on it. "Ok, you're in the clear." she said with almost a twinge of disappointment.  "Go to your party, but I'm going to warn you now, celebrate while you can." "Uh, why?" Kaylen asked, a noticeable amount of fear in his voice.

         She sighed. "The horde attacked and destroyed almost an entire fleet of airships en route to Bunker 1. There was a member of the directorate aboard. The Capitol is furious. Tensions are running high. War is on the horizon. And I fear it will destroy us both." 

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