Chapter 7// The Dinner

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Alex's POV: I was sitting at the island in my kitchen eating lucky charms. It's never to late for lucky charms. "Why are you eating my lucky charms?" Jayden asked. "These are mine you finished yours." I said. "No I didn't. MOM!" Jayden screamed. "What's up?" She asked. "She's eating my cereal." Jayden complained. "Jayden you finished your lucky charms, your like twelve stop complaining." My mom said. She turned and walked out. "Wait we have dinner with the Grier's tonight!" She yelled from my dads office. "I expect you to wear a dress young lady." My mom said. "Mommy." I pouted. "Daughter." She whined. "You know I hate dresses." I whined back. "Okay wear a dress and I'll order you two penny boards." She offered. "You got it." I perked. "Mommy that's not fair." Jayden whined. "You can wear anything." She protested. "Worth a shot." He said and walked to the stairs. "RACE YA!" I screamed and ran up the stairs with him I reached the top step two second before him. "I'm gonna change for those penny boards." I told him and walked in my room. I grabbed a dress with bows all over and something that's me a jean vest.

I slid on my all black vans and walked into my bathroom

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I slid on my all black vans and walked into my bathroom. I like my hair I don't understand why girls take hours to do their hair. I took out my phone and took a mirror picture. I posted it on Instagram I have a fandom but apparently not as big as Hayes'. I don't even try I'm just naturally this awesome❤️. I Captioned the picture and tweeted. @AlexWilliams Hey I might not be girly in all but damn I look cute.
"come on guys time to go!" My mother yelled. I walked down with phone in hand along with my brother. "It's good enough I got you in a dress." She said and opened the door. "Where are your flats?" She asked. "It wouldn't go with a dress with a bunch of bow ties on it." I said and sat on the left side in the back of the car. "Okay guys best behavior. No fooling around Alex." She emphasized my name. "What about Jayden?" I asked. "Oh yea Jayden we know you miss Jess no texting her at the table." She told him as we arrived in front of their house. "Daddy." I said and he walked over to me and held my hand. I love doing this with my dad because I'm still a child and I'll forever be daddy's little soccer player. I rung the doorbell and waited. "Oh welcome guys." Coach Grier greeted us. "Hey coach." I said. "Hey Alex." He said. "Oh and Hayes said go to his room when you arrive." He added. I walked in and saw Skylynn. "Hey Skylynn wanna show me Hayes room?" I asked her. "Sure." She giggled as she pulled my towards Hayes' room. "Thanks we'll play horsies tomorrow when I come over." I said sticking out my pinky. She gladly hooked her pinky with mine and smile. I knocked on his door and he opened it quickly. Hayes pulled me in his room without warning. "Oh my gosh you scared me." I said. He kissed me and it was like he meant it. He pulled away and looked at me. "I have a very important question, so come on." He told me and brought me downstairs to the living room. "Will?" My brother asked. "You." My mom said. "Be?" Skylynn shrieked. "My?" Coach and Mrs.Grier asked. "Girlfriend?" Hayes lastly asked. "Yes Hayes I'll be your girlfriend." I said and gave him a hug.
Currently Hayes and I are laying on his bed watching shark tale. "Lenny is my favorite." I told Hayes as he looked down at me. "Guys can I watch shark tale with you?" Skylynn asked. "Yea come on cowgirl." I said patting the space beside me. She jumped in that spot and started to watch the movie. Then came in Nash and Will who sat on the floor. "I still could not believe you wore a dress just for a penny board." He said laughing. "It's not only one it's two penny boards." I said. "Jayden, Alex time to go!" My mom yelled. "Bye beautiful." Hayes said kissing my cheek. "Bye Hayes." I said and stood up. I ended up tripping over Will and landing on Nash. "Why hello Hamilton Nash Grier." I said looking up. "Why Hello Alex Williams." He responded. I stood up and walked out of his room. I jogged downstairs to find my mom and dad talking to coach. "See you at practice tomorrow Alex." Coach said hugging me from the side. "Alright, wait what am I playing?" I asked. "Do you wanna do forward or goalie?" He asked. "Can I decide tomorrow?" I asked. "Yea sure." He told me. We said our goodbyes and left to the car. "I think that went reasonably well." I said. "No my little girl now has a boyfriend." My dad said. "I'll forever be your little soccer player, daddy." I told him. "Okay let's get home." He said and started the car.
Amy😝: Uh I think that is illegal she is dating my husband!
Jenna🤓: Same here did you not see that tweet?
Me: nope not at all I don't follow him on social medias.
Amy😝: He said She's finally mine @alexwilliams with a picture of you guys at school when you kissed him.
Jenna🤓: it's almost the weekend maybe we can come down?
Me: sure I'll ask my mom tm
Jenna🤓: alrighty girl night
Amy😝: love you Hayes' hoe.
Me: love you crazy bitchez 😍😇
I just laid in my bed thinking. Fuck this thinking shit I'm going to sleep.
Babe😊: Positive Message: your beautiful and the best thi that has ever happened to me night baby
Me: thanks baby night see you tm
With that I fell asleep.

Sucked? I know I'm sorry. Still hoped you guys enjoyed😍


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