Chapter 2

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Louis POV***

Simon wanted us to get a child because he said we had been looking too iresponsible in the media lately and that our popularity was going down. To be honest I really wanted a kid anyway, maybe in a few more years but I guess sooner is better than later. I don't care what Simon said about getting a kid would be a great publicity stunt, I didn't want my kid our kid for that matter to be just a publicity stunt. I want to care for her or him just like it was my own. So the lads and I decided to head down to the orphanage today.

Zayn and Harry wanted a girl

Niall and Liam wanted a boy.

I honestly was mutual to the decision so I didn't care if we got a boy or girl, I would have fun with both if that was the case.


We all just got to the orphanage.

The lads and I piled out of the car and started to the orphanage.

We walked in and a lady with brown hair in a bun looked up stressed. (Rylee is played by anna kendrick from pitch perfect also the pic is oo the sidde :) >> )

"Oh wow" she chuckled.

We all looked at her oddly.

"Oh im sorry its not everyday One direction kinda walks into your orphanage, but anyway im Rylee!" she chirped and stuck her hand out for us to shake. We all took turns shaking but Harry took the longest. Typical. He whispered something in her ear and she giggled and blushed.

"Ok lovebirds can we find a kid now?" Zayn laughed as Harry and Rylee turned a deep shade of crimson. We busted out laughing as Rylee lead us to the room where we saw all the kids and teens.

"I would like you to meet One direction everybody"  Rylee announced as 3 girls upfront gasped. They stood up and walked towards me and Harry as Zayn, Liam and Niall went else where hanging out with the other kids.

"I could be better than any other kid could be" the blonde girl whisper trying to be seductive. Excuse me? 

"I'm Brianna" she said as she grabbed my hand. I whipped it away instantly.

"How old are you? 12? I would appreciate it if you would stop trying to harass me thank you" I said grossed out. I feel sorry for these kids but come on you're 12...

"ugh i'm 14 thank you!" she sassed and walked away with her other girls. Thank fully Harry left before he even noticed those girls.

I scanned around the kids and saw a boy who looked to be about 15 or 16. I walked up to him and sat down where he was sitting.

"Hi!" I chirped as he looked up from doing something on a sketch pad.

"I'm Louis!" I said and he nodded.

"I'm Connor" He said hopefully.

"I love that name, how old are you?" I smiled.

"I'm 16" He said still giving me hopeful eyes.

"Thats cool! How did you end up here?" I asked curiously, but instantly regretted it as I saw his eyes change.

"I well me and my sister-r-r" He stuttered tears in his eyes.

"No no its fine you don't have to tell me" I brought him in for a hug and felt him flinch at my contact.

"I wont hurt you I promise Connor" I said as his tears wettened my shirt. He stiffened but I let him go.

"Thats what they all say" he whispered losing his glimmer of hope in his eyes getting up and walking away solemnly.

What couldve happened to him and his sister for that matter to be so bad? I thought as I got up and slowly followed Connor.

Nialls POV****

We got to the orphanage and Rylee introduced us and we started looking at the kids as they aimlessly walked around or talked to other kids and such. Rylee was really nice. She seems like a people person haha. I thought as I scanned the room of kids.

I spotted a girl in the back corner, she was sitting alone and had bruises on her arms and legs and she tried covering them you could tell but she didnt do a very good job. Her hair was a bit messy and her clothes were a little worn out but over all she just looked broken. I felt bad. I walked up to her and sat down so I was level with her.

"hi princess" I whispered with a smile. She looked up and tears welled in her eyes.

"please dont call me--e-e that my da-d-d used to call me that" she stuttered in a whisper.

"hes the reason im in this place" she whispered.

"oh im sorry I didnt mean too" I said feeling horrible. She nodded in reasurrance.

"whats your name? I''m Niall" I said cheerily trying to lighten the mood a bit.

"im Alice and i'm 15 years old and I understand if you dont want me" she said solemnly.

"Why wouldnt I want you alice?" I said confused. She seemed okay even though i havent really met her completely. Her face dulled.

"No one at this orphanage likes me besides my brother and Rylee and everytime people come in to adopt a kid they always reject me" She said looking down at herself.

"Well how about you tell me about yourself Alice because I want to know you. and I will for sure not reject you" I smiled and sat down beside her.



So fizzy is on a trip and decided to abandon me :'( lol

im kidding but idk how long this chapter is so yeah.

I tried making it longer!


hope you liked it!


So Cote? or Vomment? 

Votement? sounds good to me.



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 Twittah: @alanatheapple

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comment "salsa" if you read this far ;) why? because im eating chips and salsa hahaha

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