Louis's dead?!

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-Louis's POV-

I fell asleep on the floor, I was still too hurt to move.  Suddely I felt someone picking up my body.

I felt us walking down the stairs. They threw me in the car. I hit my head on the door. Everything went black. 

I woke up, everything was dizzy and blurry. I sat up. I looked around and all I was the trees. I must be in the woods. I carefully stood up. I started to walk, I will eventually find a person.. Hopefully..

-Harry's POV-

I was a park. I sat on the swing, just sitting there thinking about Louis. I was in deep thought until I heard Louis name.

"Justin baby, was he really dead?" Someone asked. They were walking past the park. Justin nodded.

"Yeah, Louis was dead. The once used to be famous Louis Tomlinson is dead." He smirked. I jumped up. That was Justin. I ran up to him and grabbed him by the collar. 

"Where is Louis?" I asked, not losing eye contact with Justin. 

"Aren't you supposed to be dead?" Justin asked, smirking.

"Don't change the damn question. Where is he." Justin had an evil smirk, then replyed. 

"Hes dead. And I killed him." That was it. I took all my anger out and punch him. I wouldn't stop. He fell to the ground and I started to kick him. His buddy pushed me off. I punch him, he fell. 

"Don't let me see either of your faces around here or I will kill you." I said then walking away. I was strong infront of them. I ran back to my place, which I share with Liam.

I finally got there, I started to threw things, threw glass. Then picked up a piece of glass and ran to my room. I shut my door and slid down it, crying. I broke into sobs. Hes dead. 

-Niall's POV-

I was watching Alessandra sleeping, she was so beautiful. I can't believe I got a girl like her. Shes amazing. Im such a lucky guy. I saw her phone light up. I grabbed it and opened it. its read:

"Alessandra get your slutty ass home, NOW! -David" I deleted it and put it back on the table. Liam came into my room.

"Hey, we need you downstairs.  Its important." I nodded.  I left go of Alessandra. 

"No, Niall come back." She whimpered. I chuckly. 

"Babe, I gotta go downstairs." She grabbed my waist and pulled me back down. I fell. I faced towards her, she looked at me and smiled. I kissed her. Then pulled away. She smiled, so did I. "Come downstairs with me." I sat up, so did she. 

-Liam's POV-

I can't believe I let her run away! I should have ran after her. Gosh, im so stupid! I was walking to my house, I opened the door and see the house a reck.

Things were broken, glass was everywhere. I hear sobbing upstairs. I run up there. I knock on Harry's door. 

"Harry?" I asked. Nobody answered. I just heard sobbing. "Harry! Open up!" He still didn't open. 

I backed up and ran into the door. It didnt budge. I tried it again, I broke. I walked in. I saw Harry on the floor, sobbing. Blood on the floor. I ran to him. I looked at him wrist, they were all cut up. 

"Why Harry?" I started to cry. Why would he do this?

"Lou-Louis.." I cut him off.

"Harry, he is fine! He is alive, we heard him!" Harry shook his head.

I only tried to protect you. (Real Eyes, Realize, Real Lies Sequel) (Larry S.)Where stories live. Discover now