A/N - Small Rant, Sorry..

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I know, I know. Im sorry. I hate doing these. But I have to rant!

Channel 4 News.. 

Iv'e never felt so disgusted in my LIFE!

Im not sure if any of you guys saw, but go ahead & watch if you haven't..


Yeah, I know some of our fandom is like this but NOT ALL OF THEM ARE!

Like 95% aren't like that. 

Makes me really upset, that they portray Directioners like that. 

Then after that video we have some Directioners, No! Im not gonna call them Directioners!

They are fans because they are not Diectioners. Directioners wouldn't do this!

They start to tell Larry shippers to die or go kill themself.

You wanna know whats really sad?

14 did kill themself. 

So thank you fans & Channel 4 News. I hope you guys are happy!

Everyone has there own fucking beliefs. 

Yeaah, there are so crazy larry shippers where they shove larry down peoples throughts! But not all are like that!

Some are sweet & caring & just ship two boys who look like they are in love!

No, we don't all hate Eleanor. I love Eleanor. I think she is gorgeous! If her & Louis are really together, then im happy for them!

But I do have my beliefs that him & Harry are together& if thats wrong, then I don't wanna be right. 

Im just tired of Larry shippers getting hate. 

& Now people in this fandom are embarrassed to be apart of this fandom! Its sad.. 

I don't get why us Directioners can't get along no matter what we ship.. 

I love everyone in this fandom. We are a family.. no matter what. We are here for the boys. 

Stay strong Larry shippers<3

--Sorry, small rant over!

Hope you guys like my story! I will write tomorrow! I don't work & no school yet. I don't start until 8/22! So I will make the next chapter really long just because I made this small rant! 

Stay beautiful! (:

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