I love you Louis, I'm coming.

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-Louis's Pov-

"I can't believe its you! I havent seen you in years!" I said, I was shocked to see him. 

"I know Tommo!" He rubbed my head like he used to always do. I laughed and fixed my hair.

"So how are you Uncle Todd?" I asked, I hugged him. He was always like my second dad. I loved him. He was just gone one day, nobody would tell me what happened.

"Im good! What about you?" He asked.

"Well kinda lost." He laughed.

"Yeah, how did you get here?" I looked at the ground.

"Long story." I thought about Harry.. Gosh I missed him.

"Well, iv'e got time. Come with me." We walked to a little cabin. I'm guessing he lived there. 

We walked in there, I looked around, it looks like someone hasnt lived here in years. Everything was dusty and falling apart. But I didn't question it. 

We sat on the dusty couch, I looked down. 

"Go on, tell me." He said. He hugged me from the side. I started to cry and I explained the whole story. I couldn't stop crying. 

-Harry's Pov-

I just sat there with Liam, I couldn't move. I rubbed my wrists. They were red and ichy. But I didn't itch them. Niall ran upstairs, the girl followed. Zayn left, his girl followed too. Me and Liam didn't move, didn't talk. Just sat there in silence. 

We sat like that for 10 minutes. Then sat the girl ,that ran upstairs with Niall, run downstairs crying. Holding her cheek.  I wiped my tears and walked up stairs, I didn't like to see my Irish friend sad. 

I walked into his room, he was on the ground crying. 

"Niall?" I whispered. I didn't trust my voice. He looked up. "What happened?" 

"I-I hit her." I steped back. He-He hit her?

"You-You what?!" I half screamed. I didn't say anything this time. I was beyond pissed. No one lays a finger on any girl! I grabbed him by the collar. he was a lot smaller than me so it was easy.

"Put me down!" He screamed. I pushed him up against the wall. 

"No! Why would you hit her?" I screamed into his face.

"I was angry!" He screamed back, he kept kicking and hitting me. I didn't budge. I heard someone run upstairs and open the door. 

"Thats no excuse!" I held my fist up. "How would you lie it if I punched you?!" Just as I was about to punch him. He said something that set me off. 

"Go cut yourself you emo faggot!" Did-Did Niall ju-just say th-that? I dropped him, I looked at my wrist and started to cry.

"Ha-Harry.." Niall started to whisper. I looked at him, he was on the ground looking like he was about to cry. 

"Harry." Liam stated like he was afraid of what I was going to do. I looked up at him.  I looked back at Niall, he was more scared than ever. I ran out and pushed Liam aside. I heard a thump. I wanted to see if he was okay but I didn't. I kept running.

"Harry!" Someone screamed. I just kept running. 

I ran to the bridge. I looked down. I knew if i jumped I would die. No one ever survived this. 

"I need you Louis." I started to cry ever harder. 

-Louis's Pov-

My uncle Todd hugged me when I was done. 

"Harry needs you Louis." I looked at him confused. 

"Bu-But Harrys dead." He shook his head. 

"No Lou, hes not. He made a clay person of himself. He wanted to protect you. But it didn't turn out like it expected." He grabbed my wrist and rubbed my cuts. 

"Bu-But." I didn't know what to say.  Was Harry really alive? Was that really Harry fromt he bar. 

"Yes Louis, that was Harry from the bar." I looked at him. "Hes alive. And you need to save him." I looked at him more confused. 

"Hes about to commit. He thinks your dead." I put my hand over my mouth. "Oh, theres one more thing." 


"I love you Louis, I will see you soon." 

"What are you talking about? I just got you back! You can't leave!" I started to cry.

"Go out that door and keep going straighted until you get to the bridge. You will find Harry standing there." He stood up and started to walk to the door. 

"But uncle Todd!" I screamed. He walked out the door and shut the door. I stood up and ran to the door. I opened it and looked around, he was gone? "Uncle Todd?!" I screamed. No answer. 

Where did he go? 

"Go Louis! Harrys waiting! Go save him!" I heard someone whispered. I was confused but ran straight.

After while, I kept running. My legs hurt so bad. But I didn't stop. I finally reached the bridge. I saw Harry sitting on the ledge. I saw him look at the sky and mumble something. 

I saw him take a deep breath then slid off. 

"HARRY!" I screamed. 

-Harry's Pov-

I was just sitting on the ledge. I didn't move. Just looking at the water. thinking about everything. Fuck, why does my life have to be so messed up. 

Why can't me and Louis be together without any problems!? I looked at the sky.

"I love you Louis, Im coming." I said, then taking a deep breath and sliding off. 

"HARRY!" I heard someone scream. 


Im soo sorry I haven't updated in awhile! Ive been soo busy! So much has happened! I love you guys and Im trying<3 

I know I didn't put any of you girls in it this chapter but don't worry, you guys are coming back! I promise. I didn't forget about you guys! 

Sorry its short, I have school in the morning.  I hope you guys aren't mad. Im gonna try and make the next one really long!

Bye guys! Stay beautiful!<3

(Ohh, & I don't proof read so sorry for so many mistakes!)

I only tried to protect you. (Real Eyes, Realize, Real Lies Sequel) (Larry S.)Where stories live. Discover now