Why can't someone love me?

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****Years Later****

-Louis's POV-

Its been a few years since Harry passed away. I got a new boyfriend. I never told him about my past. He knows about One Direction and about Harry committing suicide. But that's it. I cut now, I'm always depressed when i'm by myself. When Justin is with me, i'm happier. Well I pretend to be.

The boys you might add? Well we don't talk anymore. After the funeral we kinda just drifted. I don't talk to any of the. I think Niall and Zayn talk every once in awhile and Liam stays to himself. We all still live in London. We see each other and wave but then move on with life.

Makes me cry at night. I wish things were differently. I wish Harry was here.

"Babe?!" Justin screamed. I ran downstairs. He was laying on the couch.

"Yeah?" I asked walking towards him.

"Can you go to the store for me?" He asked. Today was our one year anniversary together.

"Sure babe, What do you need?" He pulled out a whole list. Maybe he was trying to get me outta the house? Hopefully. I grabbed it. I put on a jacket and shoes. "I will be back later."

He kissed me. "See ya later cupcake." I walked outta the car. I went to the store. I was walking down to get ice cream when I saw a curly mop of hair. Harry poped into my mind. But he was dead? Right? Of course he was. I saw he dead body in the casket.

I kept walking looking for the right ice cream, but I bumped into someone.

"Oh my lord. I'm so sorry." I said helping them up. They looked up, I couldn't really see there face. They had sun glasses on, once they saw me, they moved there arm to there mouth. It was the curly headed boy I saw earlier.

"Its fine." He said quickly.

"I'm Louis. You are?" I put my hand out to shake it, to be nice.

"Don't worry about who I am. Bye Louis." He got up quickly and ran. "I miss you Louis." I swear he whispered before he ran. But I don't know. I shook it outta my head. It was probably a crazy fan. I still see those every now and then.

I got the rest of whats on the list and left. I looked at my clock. I've been out for 4 hours. I lord. Its 9 pm. I pull into the drive way. I open the door. I hear Justin talking to someone.

"Babe, you gotta leave. Louis is gonna be home any minute." They sounded like they were in the kitchen. So I walk to the door but not though it, I stand there and listen.

"But baby, when are you gonna break up with that loser? I want you to myself." A voice said.

"Soon love. Very soon." Justin said, then I hear lips smack together. Tears slid down my face. Why can't someone love me? I dropped everything then left.

I got into my car and drove. Harry, I miss you. I love you soo much. Why did you do it? Im sorry..

I drove to a house and knocked on the door. A blonde Irish boy answered.

"Louis?" I nodded. I still had tears coming down my face. "Are you okay?" I shook my head.

"Justin cheated on me." He hugged me so tight I lost all my breath. I cried on his shoulder.

"Come inside, you can stay with me for awhile. I miss you." He kept hugged me as he pulled me inside. He shut the door, we moved to the couch.

"I miss you too Niall." I said, while crying on his shoulder. "And i'm sorry for everything Niall."

"Hey Niall, whos-" Someones voice cut off as they walked into the room. "Louis?" I looked up, it was Zayn.

"Hey Zayn." I rubbed my eyes to wipe away the tears. "How have you been?"

"Im good, I would ask you the same. But it seems like you ain't too good." I nodded. He walked over to me. Niall let me go. I stood up, Zayn gave me a hug.

"Iv'e missed you guys so much." I said.

"We've missed you too Lou."

"You guys wanna watch a movie?" We nodded. Me and Zayn let go. We sat on the couch. I missed these boys so much.

-Harry's POV-

Yes, its true. Im alive. The body at was in the casket? Clay and paint. Turned out nice. Yeah I saw Louis break down at the service. It made me break. I wanted to go and comfort him.

But I couldn't. I did all this for him. I wanted to protect him. Nobody knows i'm alive. I almost blew my cover at the store. Why didn't I move outta the country? I couldn't leave home.

I miss the boys. I see them ever now and then. I know they broke up because of my 'suicide'. I ruined there dreams. I wish I could say sorry to them. I need to take my mind off of them. So i'm going to a bar. I get into my car and drive to the nearest bar.

I order one beer after another. I turn to my left and see Louis?!

I only tried to protect you. (Real Eyes, Realize, Real Lies Sequel) (Larry S.)Where stories live. Discover now