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Nitra, Kelly Johnson
Kylie and Johnny in MM

Kylie Pov

I sat having dinner with my mom, Johnny's mom, Nitra, and Johnny. We do this  four times a year even though my mom hates Johnny and his mom. Johnny's mom hates my mom and was never very fond of me either. I am on the rocks with Johnny and I never have liked his mother. Johnny is just an asshole and I don't know who he's in good graces with at this table.

"You really gon eat all that greasy food? What about you diet?" Johnny asked.

He told me I should go on a diet because I'm too fat and assumed I was going to go on one just because he said that. He got me fucked up. I could give two fucks about a damn diet.

"I'm not on a diet John." I said smirking. "If you paid more attention to me, you would notice." I said coldly.

"Don't start with me tonight Ky." He said grimacing at me.

"Don't call me that." I said before taking another bite of my chicken.

My mother and I had cooked fried chicken, collard greens, corn bread, and black eyed peas. Nitra made some sweet potato pie (A/N: I had to) and a cake. The cake was dry and the egg wasn't mixed in the pie good so it's pieces of egg white in it.

"My chicken ain't greasy either so don't come for me unless I send for you lil boy." My mother, Kelly said pursing her lips.

"Shut yo big ass up. Ain't nobody ask you nothin." Nitra said.

"Bitch fuck you. You just mad cause you old as hell." My mom said mugging Nitra.

"We can't all have a child at 16 and be bad shaped all our lives. Sorry." Nitra said.

"That's enough y'all. We here to have a peaceful dinner. Now Miss Kelly if you wanna cause problems you can go." Johnny said.

"My mother isn't going anywhere. It's Miss Nitra over there causing problems. She started it by name calling." I said pointing right at her.

"Well yo fat ass momma called my son a lil boy. He far from a lil boy. He is a grown man." Miss Nitra said.

"Don't call my mother out her name no more Miss Nitra." I said sternly.

"What you fat too shit. Miss piggy number one and Miss piggy number two. Fat fucks. Eat the dinner and the plates looking asses." Miss Nitra said.

"Johnny control your mother." I said to him.

He just sat there like a little bitch. Nitra gave him a stern look and sipped her wine, which is the reason her mouth was reckless. She was tipsy.

"He ain't gotta control shit. Cause this piggy will beat her old one foot in the grave ass!" My mom yelled standing up to her full 6'0 frame.

"You ain't gon do shit Pillsbury dough ho!" Nitra stood up too.

"Calm down you two." Johnny said.

My mother reached across the table and snatched off Nitra's wig showing her stocking cap. She put her hands on her head and ran out of the dining room sobbing. Johnny gave me a stern look before getting up and chasing after her.

"I knew I shouldn't have come to this damn dinner. I can't stand that no good husband of yours or that wicked witch of a mother he got. She look like Holiday off Holiday Hearts." My mom said.

I burst out laughing. My mother is something else. We walked to her car and I bid her good night and watched her pull off. She was one of the few reminders I had of my old self. I acted just like her before I became saved.

My mother never liked Johnny. She wouldn't even attend his church. She doesn't go to church anyway, but will go to any church on earth but his. Johnny doesn't make it any better. He lets his mother talk shit to us all she wants but my mom can't retaliate when it comes to that because he gets mad. Well if he could control his damn mother, my mom a wouldn't need to retaliate.

This is a damn shame. Can't even have a dinner without Nitra ruining it all.

"I'm going to bed. Goodnight." I said as soon as I entered the house.

Johnny could clean up since he wanna be an ass. I rolled my eyes and changed into my pajamas. I got in bed and laid down. Johnny doesn't sleep in the same bed as me. He sleeps in the spare room because he says I take up too much space. I don't care cause I don't wanna hear his bullshit anyway.

I drifted off to sleep thinking about how my marriage was in shambles and so was my life.

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