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Kylie POV

I had just left the doctor for my check up. He said the baby is doing fine and growing steadily. Its been two weeks since I found out I was pregnant. I still haven't told anyone.

I was currently at a burger joint getting a burger, some chicken tenders, some fries, and a fruit salad. Gotta be healthy somewhere. I sat sipping on some water when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to see the devil himself. Johnny Lockville.

"What do you want?" I asked bitterly.

"To talk to my wife. Its been a while and I've missed you so much." He said sitting across from me.

"Oh really? Well, why don't you go talk to the chick that you thought was more important than pur relationship. What was her name? Miracle. Yes. Miracle. Go tell her how much you miss her because that shit you talking is falling on deaf ears." I said angrily.

"Why don't you let me explain myself?" He asked.

"You said enough when I was trying to let you explain yourself. Your actions explained a lot to me during our marriage." I said pursing my lips.

"Like what?" He said.

"You didn't want me because you think I'm fat, ugly, and old. You cheated on me with someone way younger than me and someone thinner. That's telling me that was what you wanted. You let your mother disrespect me and never said a word to her about it. That showed me you have no respect for me. You put your hands on me and called me out my name. You ignored me. That means you didn't want me or care about me. I was trash to you. So you explained a lot with your actions Mr. Lockville. I don't wanna hear nothing else." I said dabbing at stray tears with a napkin.

"Kylie I'm so sorry I made you feel that way. I'm sorry I said all those things to you. I'm sorry I put my hands on you. I'm sorry for the cheating and the emotional abuse. I just, I was so wrapped up in the fast life." He said putting his face in his hands.

"Well, you should ho back to it cause there is no hope for you here." I said.

"But I love you." He pleaded.

"I loved you too, but you still emotionally tortured me." I said blankly.

"Just give it some thought. We can go to marriage counseling. Just please try and work things out with me. Please. Just give me one more chance." He pleaded once again.

"I'll think about it. I'm not sure that it will change my mind. It's going to take a lot to change my mind. Like hell freezing over." I said standing up to walk away from him and got my order and left.

If he thinks I'm just going to come running back to him, he's one stupid motherfucker. I partially blame him for the end to my relationship with August. I'm not sure what he did or said, but its his fault. I just know it. I just want to find out what it was that he did.

For now, I'd just have to settle for going home and eating my food alone. I'm jot going to stress over August. I'm not going to stress over Johnny. At the end of the day, that's only hurting me and my child. I don't need that. I need to be healthy and stay positive and try to keep calm because I don't want to lose my child over no bullshit.

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Just putting out short chapters tonight.
What do you all think about Johnny?
And Kylie?

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