Chapter 5

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Ella's POV

The rest of the week passed by uneventfully, I've seen Blake in the hallway and in class but I just ignored him not bothering to even maintain eye contact with him. I even started sitting next to some guy just to avoid having a conversation with him.

 You're probably thinking I'm running away from him but honestly, I'm trying not to have another confrontation because my bruises have not been healed yet. The one on my jaw is the most annoying one, but it's nothing compared to the ones I gave Blake. The bruise around his eye is turning into a sickly yellowish shade, and the cut on his lip is healing gradually. Also, I can't begin to imagine how pissing off the bruise on his stomach would be, but he deserved it I thought smugly to myself.

I remember having to explain my bruises to my friends and family, it was a conversation I'd rather not repeat. My friends were cussing at me for ruining his face and ruining my nonexistent chance at getting an actual boyfriend, which had me laughing because who would want to date that hot specimen. I sure as hell wouldn't, I scoffed internally. 

My dad gave me a 'that's my girl' look while my mom looked horrified but somewhat proud, and my younger brother and sister couldn't even look up from their iPads to even bother giving me a reaction.


Today marks the end of my last first week of high school. In other words, it's Friday and I'm getting the hell out of this place. As I made my way to my locker, I saw the girls grouped near my locker.

'Hola Bitchachos!' I greeted them, respectfully.



And the famous middle finger greeted me, in case you guys wanted to know that was Ally.

'Are we still on for shopping today?' Hayley asks, getting excited at the fact that she gets to implement the saying 'shop till I drop' today.

'Yeah. You guys want to head out now?' Ray asks.

'Yeah sure, just let me get my shit from the locker.' I inform them. I began picking out the books that I needed to study for the weekend and dropped them in my bag. Yes, I have to study from the first week because the teachers have this disease called, 'I'm-a-bitch a titis' which turns them into little shits that make our lives extra hellish.

'Dimples, can I put my bag in your car? Cause I don't feel like carrying it on my back while riding my bike.' I ask her highness.

'Yeah sure.'

Honestly, I'm so excited to go to the mall to get a few books to add to my never-ending collection. Plus I heard that there's this large space in the mall where they sell different types of food, I think it was called the food court or something. It seems like a magical place, so I definitely can't wait to go there and eat some heavenly pizza.

We all made our way to the parking lot; the girls rode in Ally's car while I followed them on my bike. Due to no traffic, we reached the mall in about 15 minutes.

'Okay, where do we go first?' Ray asked us.

'Forever 21? And then we work our way from there?' Ally questioned. We all agreed and headed towards the shop.

A few hours passed and I swear to god if I see one more cosmetic product I'm actually going to cry. Ally and Hayley took 4 years in Sephora picking out their damn makeup. I mean I have nothing against makeup; they are my life savior but 4 years?? It takes you 4 years to pick out the products?

Ray and I bought a few cute outfits; I bought two cute rompers, two shorts, and a couple t-shirts. While Ray got a pair of high-tops, and a couple of outfits. At last, Ally and Hayley were done raiding Sephora and we could finally eat. At least, I hope we can.

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